International Student Welfare Symposium Meeting with the Cultural Counselor of the Iraqi E Symposium on International Management of Arak Univ The ninth meeting of the International Council International Environmental Health Day Admission Opportunity Dentistry Admission PhD Level Admission Promoting the level of Arak University of Medical Student Admission Admission Students Admission in Health School Admission in AUMS2 Campus (AUMS)

International Student Welfare Symposium
This meeting was held in the presence of the Vice Chancellor for Education, Dr. Ashtiani, the Vice Chancellor for Development, Mr. Samadi, the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Dr. Shariat Madari, the Director of International Management, Dr. Hemta, and a group of managers and experts to plan and solve international students' welfare issues. Took.

Meeting with the Cultural Counselor of the Iraqi Embassy in Iran

Consultation on communication with top Iraqi universities and inclusion of Arak University of Medical Sciences in the list of approved universities

Symposium on International Management of Arak University of Medical Sciences with faculty members of the Faculty of Health with the presence of Dr. Hemta International Management of the University and Dr. Kolivand, Dean of the Faculty of Health and other experts and faculty members of the Faculty.
In this meeting, the schemes and requests of the School of Health in relation to the international arena were reviewed.

 In the presence of the President of Arak University of Medical Sciences, Dr. Seyed Mohammad Jamalian, the Vice Chancellor for Education, Dr. Ashtiani, the International Management, Dr. Hemta and other vice chancellors and administrators of the University. 
This meeting focused on improving the conditions of international students and approving programs to improve the welfare of these loved ones.


Happy International Environmental Health Day 

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