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Medical Biotechnology is an extended discipline in which different cells /cellular components, organism/ living cells and biological process are utilized to develop new technologies, product and diagnostic tools that help treat and prevent human diseases.

Medical Biotechnology is an extended discipline in which different cells /cellular components, organism/ living cells  and biological process are utilized to develop new technologies, product and diagnostic tools that help treat and prevent human diseases.

The exploitation of biotechnology in medical diagnosis, therapeutics and biomedical research has rapidly expanding in recent years as the products of the field contribute greatly in improving human health.Graduates will have the qualification, knowledge and skills necessary for a prosperous profession in academic, industry or research in the medical biotechnology sector.

Basic Information:
Program Type: Degree Based
Level Of study: Master's
School / Faculty: Medicine
Department: Department of Medical Biotechnology and Nanotechno
Major (Name Of Program): Medical Biotechnology
This program contact information:
Telephone: 0098(51)38002295
Fax: 0098(51)38002287
Mobile: 00989157982249
Email Address:
Address: Department of Medical Biotechnology and Nanotechnology, School of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences Mashhad, Iran
Contact Person Name: Dr. Amin Jalili
Program Detail:
Length of Training:

2 years

Language Requirement:

English: IELTS 6 or equivalent, Persian

Admission Requirement:

BSc degree in related field, MD, PharmD

Interview by the Department and University admission office

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