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About School of Health


The NKUMS School of Health started to work in 2008. School of Health works in the fields of Education and Research and is based upon health promotion. This school is responsible for training noble and skillful students in health fields to pursue the goals of health system of the country.


Educating students with new methods of teaching and in accordance with the latest standards of teaching, through an efficient allocation of resources, facilities, equipment, university technologies, and health care centers, with the minimum cost and also through relations with independent academic centers or those affiliated to university is the mission of this school.


Degree Programs


School of Health offers seven degree programs:


  • B.Sc. in Environmental Health Engineering

  • B.Sc. Occupational Health Engineering

  • B.Sc. in Public Health

  • B.Sc. in Nutritional Sciences

  • Non-continuous Program of Bachelor’s Degree in Occupational Health Engineering

  • Non-continuous Program of Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health

  • M.Sc. in Health Education in affiliation with Sabzavar University of Medical Sciences


Dean’s message


I am honored to be leading an institution that it aims at health promotion. In my role as Dean, my primary responsibility is to build on that momentum by working together with our faculty, students, staff, and friends to promote health sciences.


Our School is proud of its high-quality courses that inspire students to become excellent researchers, academics and health leaders able to make a significant contribution to the area of health sciences. We also have comprehensive undergraduate and post- graduate programs.


H.R. Mohaddes

 Tell: +0098-85-32240524






Department of Health Education

Department of Public Health

Department of Occupational Health Engineering

Department of Environmental Health Engineering



Research at School of Health


Office of Vice-Dean for Research is ready to provide advice and support for research projects in the fields of healthcare, health education models, study design, statistics and epidemiology to the researchers and academic members of the university.


For more information about School of Health please visit our website:


Vice-Dean for Research

Masoumeh Taherpour

Phone: +98-5832240571, Ext.: 118


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