www.en.ippi.ac.ir Laboratories and Workshops Laboratories and Workshops Laboratories and Workshops Campus Life
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Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute (IPPI) was founded in 1986.

IPPI has embarked on the full mission to carry out research and education in polymer science and technology, as well as providing outreach programs for the polymer industry in Iran.

IPPI promotes world class scientific and technical innovations, based on the experience and skill of various groups of academic staff and personnel, by commercialization of their achievements and formation of knowledge-based companies in order to develop and strengthen its international cooperation networks.

The main IPPI complex consists of laboratories and workshops equipped with modern instruments, such as Thermal Analysis Laboratory, X-Ray Laboratory, Optical and Scanning Electron Microscopy Laboratory, Chromatography Laboratory, NMR and Plastics workshop, Rubber workshop, Composites workshop, Pharmaceutical and medical device products silicon production site, Production of membrane site, etc. Moreover, there are library, amphitheater and lecture theatres, computer center, managerial and financial departments, guest house and supporting services such as health center, gym, dormitory, etc.

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