Kharazmi University (Somayeh Building) Kharazmi University, Research Labratory Kharazmi University (Karaj Campus) Kharazmi University (Tehran Campus) Kharazmi University (Karaj Campus)
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Kharazmi University

The first teacher training institution for primary schools in Iran was established as Darol-Mo'allemin Markazi (Central House of Teachers) in the building of the Culture Ministry in Takht-e-Zomorod area of Tehran in 1919. With the increase in the number of schools in Iran and the increasing need for trained teachers, Darol-Mo'allemin Markazi was developed into Darol-Mo'allemin Aali (Higher House of Teachers) at the Higher Council for Sciences in October 1926. In December 1927, the Iranian Parliament passed a law to modify the statute of the latter institution to support it further and help employ its graduates nationwide.

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