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Rajaie Cardiovascular Medical and Research Center (CMRC) has begun its services to patients with cardiovascular diseases in the Iran and Middle East region since 1975. During this period, it has improved facilities and Medical care along with increased rooms and medical equipment. In addition, the hiring of experienced faculties and healthcare experts in all related fields adjunct to the implications of state-of-the-art diagnostic and therapeutic methods in cardiovascular medicine have been applied to enhance the standards of services and to propose up-to-date cares to our clients. Nowadays, it is the center of Excellence in the education of cardiovascular sciences in the Iran.


This center is providing registered educational courses in all specialties, subspecialties, and clinical fellowships of cardiovascular medicine. The most of physicians in cardiovascular field in the Iran are the alumni of Rajaie CMRC, and even some of physicians in the Middle East region are also studied in our center. It is worth noting that some efforts have been carried out for internationalizing this center within past two years as well.

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Shahid Rajaie Cardiovascular, Medical and Research

 Rajaie Cardiovascular, Medical and Research Center is one of the largest specialist and subspecialist centers in the Middle East. The Center was inaugurated in 1973 in an area of 11 hectares and initial capacity of 40 beds. Forty years on, the Center now ranks among the most prestigious cardiovascular centers in the region.

The Center currently features a total of 601 beds, comprised of 93 CCU beds, 59 Cardiac Surgery ICU beds, 58 Post-CCU beds, 42 Post-ICU beds, 12 Medical ICU beds, 113 Adult Cardiac Ward beds, 90 Pediatric Ward beds, 87 Cardiovascular Surgery Ward beds, 11 Diplomat Ward beds, 32 VIP Ward beds, and 22 Emergency Ward CCU beds. 
The Center also boasts a 13-bed Emergency Ward, 13 Operating Rooms, a 5-room Adult Interventional Catheterization Laboratory, a 2-room Adult Interventional Catheterization Laboratory, and a 4-room Electrophysiology Study Ward. On average and on a daily basis, there are 70 hospitalizations, 20 surgical operations, 80 Catheterization Laboratory procedures, and 40 Electrophysiology procedures in the Center. 
The Center’s paraclinical wards include Adult Echocardiography, Pediatric Echocardiography, Holter Monitoring, Exercise Test, Radiology, Sonography, Laboratory, Nuclear Medicine, CT Scan, MRI, CT Angiography, Endoscopy, Recto-colonoscopy, Spirometry, Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy, and Neuroelectrodiagnosis. These paraclinical wards serve approximately 700 inpatients daily.
The Center currently enjoys the services of over 1700 staff members, 92 full-time medical faculty members, and 169 residents, specialist fellows, and subspecialist fellows in various cardiovascular disciplines. 
The Center has recently been awarded the title “Center of Excellence in Cardiovascular Medicine” by the Iranian Ministry of Health and Higher Education in recognition of the state-of-the-art equipment and cutting-edge treatment modalities which the Center offers through its highly qualified medical and non-medical personnel.

Memorandum Of Understanding For Scientific Coopera
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