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This center is located in west district of Arak city and at the beginning , it was founded with the name of Health & Treatment Center and after some years changed its name to Taleghani Maternity hospital  in 1967, and at this moment it undertakes its missions as Taleghani Education and Treatment Center with 98 beds. 

This center covers following wards:

Surgery A - 33 beds

Surgery B – 30 beds

Neonatology Ward – 10 beds

NICU ward – 7 beds

Surgery Room – 4 beds

P.P Ward – 21 beds

Physiological delivery room – 2 beds 

Painless delivery room – 2 beds

Delivery – 6 beds

Labor – 13 beds

Emergency – 5 beds


Dr. Maryam Maktabi

Executive Manager: 
Mr. Abodlsamad Samadi

Number of staffs: 276

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