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Dr. Bahman Sadeghi Sede is working at this university as the professor of Social Medicine who is responsible for supervising all educational processes. This university covers 5 educational campus in city of Arak which includes schools of medicine, dentistry, nursing, public health, rehabilitation, and paramedical & medical basic sciences.   

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Duties :

Educational deputy of university is responsible for conducting and supervising all matters related to university education, the most important of which are:
-Administration of all educational affairs
- Study and decision making on educational issues with help of relevant authorities
- Supervising the implementation of educational regulations through monitoring and evaluation office of university
- Developing and proposing principles of educational affairs
- Supervising implementation of tasks of affiliated units
- Adjusting agenda of University Education council meetings
- Planning educational affairs in collaboration with relevant units
- Supervising implementation of educational programs and activities of each school and evaluating them and reporting to the board
- Evaluation of educational performance of students and faculty members and educational managers of different units in each semester and its reflection to university chancellor and announcement of evaluation result and faculty member
- Implementation of short-term training courses
- Determining and proposing conditions for students to enter the university
- Conducting necessary studies on modifying and developing curricula and adopting curriculum to medical and economic scientific
- Prepare necessary bylaws for exams and advancement of university teaching work
- Communicate with other institutions inside or outside the country for scientific exchanges

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