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Admission status

Dear students who want to educate in Khomein Faculty of Medical Sciences, are expected to follow the governmental and local rules, regulations and costumes; it will pleased you to live in Iran.

Khomein's Faculty of Medical Sciences students should considered international ethics accepted for medical works, study and research.

Applicants should have proper school or high-school degree, acceptable by the ministry of education of Iran, to enter the proper degree program.

Residency is on behalf of students and the faculty has not any responsibility of residency. However, the cost of living in Khomein is very low than other cities in Iran. For example the cost of one year living in Khomein city varies from 40 to 100 US dollars (400,000 to 1000,000 tomans when US dollar value is 10,000), including homing and living needs.  


Tuition fee: is determined by the educational committee and changes each year for non-Iranian students. The tuition should be payed, before starting the curse by the student or his/her government according to the international legislations.

The tuition fee is about 500 to 600 US dollars (5,000,000 to 6,000,000 tomans when US dollar value is 10,000) for each Bachelor degree in Khomein University of Medical Sciences.


Certification type: the certificate is allocated to each student at the end of course and is under grant of Ministry of Health.

Language of Course: Routinely the courses and training program are in Persian language in Iran. Then, it is recommended that the applicants to be somewhat familiar with the Farsi talking skills.   


Documents necessary for admission

A. The applicants should not be wanted by the international police agencies or with illegal histories according to the Iranian roles and regulations. The identical cards and residency documents should be send for program coordinator via Email address (see below).

B. Acceptable educational documents according Iran’s ministry of education; applicants should send their educational degrees document for coordinator of program via E-mail address.

Note: current chief program coordinator is Dr. Abdorrahim Absalan with the mailing address:

C. There should not be any limitation for applicants to study in Iran according Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

D. Applicants should have a passport for traveling and living in Iran, in addition to student visa.

E. Passing an interview by educational department professors to assess the capabilities of student for degree entry process.

F. Fulfilling the application form.

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