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Sep. 01, 2021



Announcment: Distance Learning for Foreign Students

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Mar. 04, 2021



Iranian Ministry of Health agrees with HIT Program in Khomein University of Medical Sciences since October 2021.


What is HIT Program?

Introduction to HIT Program


What is the field of health information technology about?

The field of Health Information Technology (HIT) is an interdisciplinary course based on medical science, information technology and management.

Since when has this field been introduced?

For some time now, the field of Medical Records has been removed from the list of medical sciences at the undergraduate level, and the field of Health Information Technology has been replaced by fundamental changes compared to the field of medical records.

Who is this field suitable for?

This course is suitable for students who want to pursue information technology activities in health centers.

What are the achievements of this field?

  • Improving the quality of health services by providing the required information
  • Reducing medical errors due to poor access to necessary information
  • Reducing health care costs
  • Increasing the efficiency of the medical administrative system and reducing bureaucracy
  • Expand access to affordable health care

Why is this discipline important?

The role of information technology in medical treatment and research is growing. These days, patients can access all their medical information with a file number. The patient receives the best services in the shortest time by using health information systems and the doctor has access to his patients 24 hours a day, anywhere in the world. An electronic health record can store a person's comprehensive health information before birth and during the fetal period until death and make it available to specific individuals on a dedicated network.

What abilities do graduates of this field acquire?

Management capabilities include:

1. Enterprise and management of health information technology in hospitals and health centers

2. Implementation of health quality monitoring standards (accuracy, validity and validation of data)

3. Designing and re-engineering of health information management processes



Dec. 26, 2020




Based on recent approvals of Educational Council, Personalized Medicine was introduced as a special mission of Khomein University of Medical Sciences



What is personalized medicine?


Personalized medicine, also referred to as precision medicine, is a medical model that separates people into different groups—with medical decisions, practices, interventions and/or products being tailored to the individual patient based on their predicted response or risk of disease. The terms personalized medicine; precision medicine, stratified medicine and P4 medicine are used interchangeably to describe this concept though some authors and organizations use these expressions separately to indicate particular nuances. While the tailoring of treatment to patients dates back at least to the time of Hippocrates, the term has risen in usage in recent years given the growth of new diagnostic and informatics approaches that provide understanding of the molecular basis of disease, particularly genomics. This provides a clear evidence base on which to stratify (group) related patients. Among 14 Grand Challenges for Engineering, initiative sponsored by National Academy of Engineering (NAE), personalized medicine has been identified as a key and prospective approach to “achieve optimal individual health decisions”, therefore overcoming the challenge of “Engineer better medicines”.



  1. Stratified, personalised or P4 medicine: a new direction for placing the patient at the centre of healthcare and health education (Technical report). Academy of Medical Sciences. May 2015. Archived from the original on 27 October 2016. Retrieved 6 January 2016.
  2. "Many names for one concept or many concepts in one name?". PHG Foundation. Retrieved 6 January 2015.
  3. Egnew TR (1 March 2009). "Suffering, meaning, and healing: challenges of contemporary medicine". Annals of Family Medicine. 7 (2): 170–5. doi:10.1370/afm.943. PMC 2653974. PMID 19273873.




Dec. 26, 2020




Khomein University of Medical Sciences will accept international Nursing students soon


Khomein School of Nursing is about 30 years old. Based on initial agreements with Iraqi officials, Khomein University of Medical Sciences will be accepted international nursing student soon. The necessary infrastructure and facilities are being provided. Stay tuned for more news...





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