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"Art expresses human feeling and without art it is impossible to connect various periods of human history”.

 Supreme Leader of Islamic Republic of Iran



Faculty of Art

The Faculty of Art is the first faculty of Shahed University and was established to make Shahed University an art and culture complex. Fulfilling the art and cultural goals, to introduce the expression of social art of Islamic revolution era -which its most important characteristics is introducing the culture of martyrdom and sacrifice-,  the Art faculty commences its activity by utilizing the best Islamic revolution artists of the visual arts. The art faculty was established in 1990 under supervision and license of the Ministry of Science, and is dedicated to train required promising experts for exploration and analysis of Islamic-Iranian Art. The art faculty has admissions for 24 educational cycles and students of 21 cycles have been graduated until now.


Presently, the Faculty of Art offers MA and Ph.D programs as follows: 

  •  The available majors in the MA program include “Painting”, “Art Research”, “Illustration”, and “Islamic Art”.
  • Ph.D programs include “Art Research”, and “Analytical and Comparative History of Islamic Art”.


The most important facilities include: 

  • Shahed Gallery for holding art exhibitions under license of Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance since 1988.
  • Publishing the “Negareh” quarterly in the field of Islamic-Iranian Visual Arts with the highest grade of research papers since 2005.



Art Research Department

This Department includes Master Degree and Ph.D of Art Research and PhD of Comparative and Analytic History of Islamic Art. The goal of founding this department has been mainly expanding study and research in the fields of Iranian and Islamic Art and in the next step the goal has been expanding studies concerning religious arts, orientalist arts and critical view to arts of the West.

Members of Science committee: Dr. Habibollah Ayatolahi, Dr. Ali Asghar Shirazi, Dr. Mehdi Purrezaian, Dr. Ahmad Nadalian and Dr. Mohsen Marasi.


Islamic Art Department 

Iranian art in the Islamic era, due to its unique characteristics, has been the center of so much value in the field of Islamic culture and civilization. Factors such as multi-dimensional presence in the Islamic society, being so much related to people and its strong link to Islamic ideology and Shiite spirituality are among the most important reasons of the influence of above-mentioned art. In order to benefit from the valuable achievements of this art, Islamic art field has been presented in four trends: ‘Clay and Ceramics’, ‘Wooden arts and artifacts’, ‘Miniature’ and ‘Metallic arts and artifacts’. Art Faculty of Shahed University just admits students in the trend of Miniature (Persian Painting). Educating researchers in order to achieve practical and theoretic aspects of the Islamic art, to revitalize Islamic art conforming to circumstances of the society in all its layers and to create appropriate conditions for expansion of Islamic art are the most important goals of founding this department.

Members of Science committee: Mohammad Ali Rajabi, Parviz Haseli and Dr. Khashayar Ghazizadeh.

Painting Department 

The Art Faculty of Shahed University is one of the most important Iran’s Art Faculties in the field of Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Printmaking and New Art. From early days of establishment for Bachelor degree, many of young artists who were qualified, educate painting to the high standards and become effective in introducing the culture of Islamic Revolution and imposed war to the world.

 Members of Science committee: Dr. Morteza Afshari, Dr. Habib Sadeghi and Dr. Kazem Chalipa.

Illustration and Visual Communication Department 

This department, compared to other departments of the faculty, is the most practical one. The field has been founded in order to educate students to achieve skills of making posters and graphical elements and enter them into the market of advertisement as well as expanding Graphics. In this department, students also learn how to make verse and prose into pictures. Animation and light art are among the fields that are taught and practiced in this department. This department admits students in two fields of “Illustration” and “Visual Communication”. 

Members of the Science committee: Dr. Parviz Eghbali, Abdoreza Charei, Dr. Morteza Asadi and Dr. Seyed Nezamoddin Emamifar.



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