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Short-Term Training Courses

Here, at GOUMS, several short-term programs are available for the participation of international students. Short-term programs usually range anywhere from 1 week to 6 months or more, but they are often less than one year. Typically, these courses are available year-round, led by various members of the faculty within GOUMS’ departments. Having gained years of experience in hosting international scholars, GOUMS' professionals can assist you towards making the most of your limited time in Iran; they are committed to enlightening you on your area of study in a whole new way. Shorter-term prospects are sometimes just what you need to enhance your medical skills or to gain a prompt response for a particular job vacancy.
International students are provided with the unique opportunity to experience up-to-date theoretical and pragmatic instructions via short-term training programs offered by GOUMS; thus, giving students the expertise required for a specific field based on their intended area of interest. Short-term programs can range anywhere from 1 week to 3 months or more, but they are often less than a full semester. Generally, they are offered all year-round and administered by different personnel and departments at GOUMS.


GOUMS provides students with an exceptional opportunity of receiving Individual tutoring sessions. Moreover, it offers prospective international applicants Group Teaching Sessions, which include the individuals, universities, educational and research centers, in addition to governmental and non-governmental institutions.


The following table presents a comprehensive list of short-term training programs offered by the university. Additionally, it is consistently updated to fulfill the university’s policy, as well as the applicants’ requisite programs. Upon the appeal of candidates, GOUMS has also proposed plans that tailor to short-term training programs, meeting the applicants’ requirements and desired objectives, provided that the proposed programs comply with the university’s capacities. Hence, individuals and institutions can propose alternative short-term training programs based on their set of objectives or fields of interest. The proposed program(s), accordingly, is expected to be submitted by the applicants here.


Furthermore, GOUMS will grant participants a Certificate of Completion, after they have successfully passed all the requirements of their short-term program(s). It is worth mentioning that the programs are short-term, non-degree based training program types; therefore, the Certificate of Completion cannot be used in lieu of a University degree. 

The following table features a list of GOUMS' Short-Term Training Programs:

Short-Term Training Programs
Programs Duration
Payment Amount(U.S dollar)
Breast Surgery
1-3 Determined by the Department
1-3 Determined by the Department
Education Course Rhemutology
1-3 Determined by the Department
Endoscopy / Colonoscopy
1-3 Determined by the Department
1-3 Determined by the Department
Thyroid FNA
1-3 Determined by the Department
Osteeporosis Treatment  and Prevention 1-3 Determined by the Department
Tissue Engineering
1-3 Determined by the Department


Programs Spotlight



is a profession within the health care sector focused on the care of individuals, families, and communities so they may attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of life. Nurses may be differentiated from other health care providers by their approach to patient care, training, and scope of practice. Nurses practice in a wide diversity of practice areas with a different scope of practice and level of prescriber authority in each. Many nurses provide care within the ordering scope of physicians, and this traditional role has come to shape the historic public image of nurses as care providers. However, nurses are permitted by most jurisdictions to practice independently in a variety of settings depending on training level.




Residency course has been commenced since 2015. At present, 3 resident and are accepted annually. The students are training in the hospitals related to the GOUMS.

in general dental doctoral degree is one of the courses approved by the higher education system in the Islamic Republic of Iran which leads to the award of a university degree. This course is a coordinated collection of theoretical,workshop,scientific,internship ,community education and research activities. The purpose of this program is to educate the general dentist with the capabilities that are in line with the expected capabilities o
At the present the general medical education system consists of 4 basic physiopathology courses-clinical training-clinical internships.
Basic medical science course is 5 semesters Upon completion of the course students are allowed to enter the next period (physiopathology) and before entering to the next the comprehensive medical science exam is available to all students at the same time by the Ministry of Health and Medical Education at all medical universities.
And admitted persons will be allowed to enter the physiopathology course. This exam includes teaching topics in the basic sciences.


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