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Motazedi Hospital, founded in 1956 is a medical center for obstetric and gynecologic services. It has 86 usable active beds and the wards of surgery, delivery, post-delivery, emergency, operating room and NICU. Motazedi Hospital, with trust in God and great effort of its staff, tries to improve the quality of services for safe childbirths and patients' satisfaction.


  • Participating in the communities of health providers and women in the west of Iran by providing services and following activities to understand and comply with the latest standards of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education.
  • Health services, diagnosis and treatment of diseases pertaining to Obstetrics and Gynecology and Infertility
  • Conducting research activities in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Infertility.
  • Providing educational opportunities for students of nursing, midwifery, paramedical, medical sciences and residents.



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