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Regulations on Selecting and Appointing Adjunct Professors and Visiting Professors

Article 1: Introduction

In order to enhance the status of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the field of knowledge and to move toward the realization of the transcendental perspective of the system in2024and to promote the academic position of faculty members at universities or health higher-education institutions through expanding the exchange and interaction with national and international reputable scientific organizations, the “Regulations on selecting and Appointing Adjunct Professor” is elaborated and notified.


Article 2: The Definition of Adjunct Professor

An Adjunct Professor is a prominent specialist who voluntarily collaborates with university in the fields of education, research, treatment, technology, or counseling or introduced by the university, schools, institutions, departments, or research centers.  This member is financially independent and collaborates with the university on the suggestion of the department’s council or the head of the research center according to the “Articles” outlined here, and the candidate professor is appointed by discretion of the chancellor of university during the determined timetable proposed by the candidate.


Article 3: Terms and Conditions

a.General conditions

·         Having PhD or Specialty or Subspecialty certification

·         Having a good reputation

·         Having certain features or scientific prominence to be nominated for Adjunct Professor

Note: In exceptional cases, outstanding professors of other sciences such as theology with the approval of the university chancellor can go through the following steps to be appointed.

b.Exclusive Terms

One of the following criteria is required for the candidate to be nominated:

·         At least, being an associate professor

·         Having a reputable scientific position (Assistant or Associate Professor) in the most prestigious universities in the world and having an h-index more than 15.

Article 4: Selection

The adjunct professor candidates of…………University of Medical Sciences should be evaluated from two perspectives:


A: Assessment of Scientific Qualification

The following sections decide about the scientific qualification of an adjunct professor:

1: Adjunct Professor: Education

·         The relevant Department Council

·         The Head of the School

·         The Vice Chancellor for Education

·         The Board of Directors of University


2: Adjunct Professor: Research

·         The Head of the Research Center

·         The Vice Chancellor for Research

·         The Board of Directors of University

B: Assessment of Moral Qualification

After the scientific qualification, the candidate’s moral qualification is approved according to the following steps:

·         Recommendation letters from at least two prominent approved faculty members

·         Approval of the University Council

Article 5: Appointing Adjunct Professor

·         Appointing the adjunct professor is notified by the University Chancellor.

·         The whole duration of the appointment of an adjunct professor is four years.


Article 6: Adjunct Professors' Responsibilities


·         Teaching students in specialized area of subjects.

·         Supervising and advising postgraduate theses and dissertations.

·         Answering and responding to students’ questions on the subject.

·         Conducting research projects upon University request.

·         Publishing Scientific-Research papers with Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences (KUMS) affiliation.

·         Providing healthcare services.

·         Providing a dedicated service of support and advice on management to the university administrators in various fields including university internationalization.

·         Providing clinical education (e.g. surgeries for residents).

·         Supervising residency, fellowship and postgraduate students (teaching, joint thesis/dissertation program).

·         Providing distant educational activities.

·         Participating in group meetings and commenting on raised topics.

·          Other educational and research or medical activities are determined upon university proposal and agreement of the adjunct professor.

Note: Hours and types of adjunct professors' activities will be specified upon the volunteers' request, Department and Research Center discern and approval of Vice-Chancellors for Education and Vice-Chancellor for Research & Technology.


Article 7:  Performance Evaluation


a-      Performance Evaluation of Adjunct Faculty

Adjunct Professor shall be evaluated every four years. If an adjunct professor has performance efficiency, approved by Vice-Chancellor for Education and Vice-Chancellor for Research & Technology, his/her faculty membership will be continued upon the approval of the Board of Trustee.


b-      Criteria for Performance Evaluation of Adjunct Professor


b-1- Outcome and output of adjunct Professor activities according to provided documents (the number and value of papers, the number and value of research projects or innovations in different fields, the number of theses, the number of taught courses and educational, research, consultation  activities, ethical issues, political considerations, etc)

b-2- Comments of learners and colleagues

b-3- The amount of performed activities based on assigned duties

b-4- If disqualification and ineligibility of adjunct professor be proved by relevant the authorities (including Department, Research Center, Faculty and the Board of Trustee), his/her adjunct professorship will be discounted.


Article 8: Benefits

·         Using the title and affiliation of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences

·         Paying the expenses of accommodations and travelling to Iran

·         Paying salary equivalent with same-ranked university faculty members (tailored to the activities and time allocated)

·         Other facilities will be provided by the Board of Trustee approval


These regulations (in 8 Articles and 3 Notes) were approved on July-August 2015 by Vice-Chancellor for Education and Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education.




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