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Education Regulations



To describe the policy and procedures on Absenteeism (lectures, labs, tutorials) at the International Campus. Policy and procedure for attendance at midterm and final exams are presented in the following sections.

Policy and Procedure Summary:

  1. Regulations Concerning Attendance and Punctuality
    1. Policy on Attendance and Punctuality

Full and punctual attendance at all lectures, laboratories, seminars and other scheduled components of the academic program is a requirement unless absence or punctuality is unavoidably caused by illness, , compassionate reasons or has received prior permission (i.e. attendance at a professional conference, medical appointment or significant event that cannot be altered). 

  1. Presence of the student is obligatory in all the sessions related to the courses, internship and training periods. Not being present in every session will be considered as absence. It is recognized that a student may be unavoidably delayed on occasion (i.e. once or twice), however arriving late is disruptive and will not be tolerated as a regular occurrence.


  1. Procedure
    If ill or due to compassionate reasons, and unable to attend classes, the student is expected to notify the Educational Office. Acceptable notification includes: telephone the general office, e-mail the instructors of the class/classes missed or notify in person if known prior. 

Article 1) If an illness or compassionate reasons is such that it is likely to cause many absences the student must consult with his/her Educational Officer. If a student misses more than 10% of a course or an academic module, he/she may be required to provide written documentation justifying the absence. In the event that the student misses more than 20% of a course or an academic module, he/she may be required to discontinue the program.

Article 2) The absence hours of a student should not exceed 4/17 in theoretical, 2/17 in practical and laboratorial and 1/17 in internship and training sessions. Otherwise, the score for that course or section will be considered as zero.

When instructors observe consistently poor punctuality and lack of attendance that has not been reported or is excessive, they will notify the student of the concern, and refer the concern to the Educational Officer. Students are expected to include this performance issue in their self-evaluation of professional behaviors document and indicate how they will be addressing the concern. The Educational Officer will discuss with the student and a note regarding the discussion will be placed on the student’s file.

If pattern of absenteeism persists, normally the Educational Officer will forward a recommendation to the Educational Affairs committee for consideration of action to be taken.


Note 2: If the number of absences exceeds the determined number in Article 2 but the educational council of university’s campus considers them excused, that course will be dropped. In this situation, following “the minimum 12 units” for each semester will not be obligatory but that very semester will be considered as a whole semester in the educational history of the student.



Withdrawing from Courses

A student may officially withdraw from any class (withdraw without penalty) through half of the term. (A “term” includes the examination period.) The withdrawal period applies to the regular semesters, classes taught for one half-semester, both winter and the summer terms. After that date a student may not withdraw. Any exception to this policy is the responsibility of the appropriate academic dean’s office. A student who withdraws from the university, for any reason (except for a medical reason), receives grades of “Zero” if the withdrawal is after the designated half-term time period.


Regulation on Final Exam and Grading


Active participation in class discussions and the completion of all assignments are essential in obtaining a satisfactory standing.

The passing score for the final exam is 10 (out of 20) as well. In case someone fails, he or she cannot retake the exam.  In case a student does not attend the final exam, regardless of the reason, he/she may not retake the exam and will have to repeat the course in following semesters. Unexcused absences in examination of each course or section will be considered as zero and excused absences will be a cause for that course or section to be dropped. Determining the genuineness of excused absences in the final examinations will be upon the educational council of the university.


Students who are put on probation are notified that their average is below 12 for undergraduate students and below 14 for the postgraduates, that they are limited to a maximum load of 14 credits in the following semester and that three consecutive semesters on probation will result in suspension. Students who are suspended are separated from KUMS, and one academic semester must elapse before they are eligible for readmission. While suspended, students may not take classes at other institutions and transfer them to KUMS.



Cheating in University examinations is an absolute offence. One of two penalties will be applied unless the circumstances are wholly exceptional.

1. You must withdraw permanently from the University with no award. This is the usual penalty.

2. You will be required to repeat the exam, some, or all of the exams in the semester where the incident of cheating has occurred. If you successfully repeat the examination(s), the credits may be awarded but a mark of zero will contribute to your degree classification.

KUMS definition of cheating:

Candidates shall not, intentionally or otherwise:

 introduce unauthorized items into the examination room – e.g. notes (however so recorded), or other unauthorized material (including blank paper), mobile telephones or pagers, portable or laptop computers or other electronic devices (NB - this list is not exhaustive)

 copy from other candidates or from notes

 access or copy from sources of information (except as allowed by the examiners or the head of exams) or annotate or mark this authorized information (except as authorized by the examiners)

 disobey the regulations relating to calculators

 communicate in any way with other candidates or person(s) except the invigilators

 remove script books (blank or otherwise) from the examination room.

If you are suspected of cheating, Educational Office for International Student will offer support and guidance.



Exam Regulation Check list

Befor the exam:

  • Timetable - print it out in good time
  • Venue - make sure you know where on campus the exam room is
  • Lateness - plan your travel and route and aim to arrive 30 minutes before the start time
  • ID required - have your Student card with you. It is the only ID accepted
  • Equipment - check you have everything you need. You are responsible for what you bring into the exam, so if you borrow equipment you must ensure there are no notes or annotations that may be viewed as potential cheating
    o Pens - black or blue only
    o Pencils, a sharpener and an eraser - especially if doing an Multiple Choice Questionnaire exams.
    o Calculator. Is it allowed? Is it working? Do you need to take a spare?
    o Dictionary. Is it allowed? Have you checked for annotations?
  • Notes - check you have no notes written on your hands, arms or clothing. Any writing observed on you will be investigated as potential cheating
  • Sleep - don’t be tempted to stay up late to do last-minute revision. Get a good night's sleep and set TWO alarms.



On the Day of the Exam


  • Mitigating circumstances - if you are too ill to take the exam or your condition may be a danger to others, go to your GP for advice and request a medical certificate stating you were unfit to attend and submit this to your parent school.
  • Venue - check whether your exam is held at more than one venue
  • Seating - check the seating list outside the exam room. You must sit in your allocated seat
  • Mobile phone - turn it off, including any alarms that may be set, and don't keep it on your person - it will be automatic grounds for investigation for cheating. Please check the List of items not allowed in the exam room
  • Toilet - go before entering the exam room
  • Revision notes - put them in a bag before going into the exam room - never have them on your person or under your desk. . Please check the List of items not allowed in the exam room
  • Talking - As soon as you enter the exam room, you may not speak to anyone other than an invigilator. Speaking to friends, even if just wishing them good luck, will be automatic grounds for investigation for cheating
  • Rough work - Use any left-hand page in your script book for rough work. Cross out anything you do not wish to be considered by the examiner. Removing any sheets from the script book will void it and it will not be marked. If you require additional pages, you may ask the invigilator for a supplementary script book.
  • Leaving the exam - You must ask permission from the invigilator if you wish to leave the exam. You will not be permitted to leave within the first 60 or the last 10 minutes.


Taking Items into the examination room


Basic (ie non-programmable) calculators may be used in examinations, unless specifically stated on the examination paper. In some examinations, there may be a restriction on the type of calculator you are allowed to use. Miniature information processors for the storing of information are not permitted and their use will be regarded as cheating.
Some schools have an authorization process for calculators which you must follow. It is your responsibility to check whether or not you are allowed to bring a calculator into your examination and to check that the type of calculator you are using is permitted.
Spare calculators are not provided.

It is your responsibility to check whether or not you are allowed to bring a textbook into your examination. Unless informed otherwise, textbooks are not permitted. If your school allows textbooks to be used in examinations, check if any annotations are allowed.



  • Food or drink
  • Coats
  • Bags
  • Pencil cases (even transparent ones)
  • Blank paper
  • Mobile phones/tablets/Bluetooth devices
  • Personal music players
  • Notes of any kind

If you bring these items with you, invigilators will specify a place where they must be left. In particular, phones must be switched off, with all pre-set alarms disabled. The phone will be confiscated if found on your person or on or near your desk, and its presence may be regarded as cheating.

The University cannot accept responsibility for loss of, or damage to, items brought into the exam room




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