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A Two-Week Short-Term Course on Laboratory Panel for Anemia Diagnosis will be held by the Allied Medical Sciences Faculty, Aja University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Here, we provide a series of theoretical and practical sessions of laboratory tests for the stepwise anemia diagnosis.
Anemia is generally defined as a decrease in either the amount of hemoglobin (Hb) or red blood cells (RBCs) in the blood. Functionally, anemia results in a decreased ability to carry oxygen in RBCs throughout the body, leading to symptoms like pallor, fatigue, weakness, Jaundice, tachycardia, tachypnea. Different types of anemia are kinetically classified into three categories due to impaired productionincreased hemolysis or bleeding. It is also classified morphological into three groups including normocytic, microcytic and macrocytic categories, based on the size of RBCs. Anemia is mainly diagnosed by physical examination, medical history and laboratory tests, and therefore, detection of anemia involves the adoption of arbitrary criteria. The first laboratory test is complete blood count in which RBC count and related indices and parameters are determined. Depending on the clinical hypothesis, other tests, such as ESRferritinserum irontransferrinRBC folate levelserum vitamin B12, LDH, bilirubin, reticulocyte count and related indices, and peripheral blood examination might be performed. When the diagnosis remains difficult, a bone marrow examination allows direct examination of the precursors to red cells. More specific tests include Hb electrophoresis, Sickling test, Osmotic fragility, flow cytometry, molecular tests, etc. Anemia diagnosis is performed step by step according to an algorithm, and each of the mentioned laboratory tests can be performed if necessary. 
The “Laboratory Panel for Anemia Diagnosis” is a comprehensive course that includes a series of theoretical and practical sessions of laboratory tests for the stepwise anemia diagnosis.
Main topics
-Microcytic anemia category;  general and differential laboratory tests
-Normocytic anemia category;  general and differential laboratory tests 
-Macrocytic anemia category;  general and differential laboratory tests
-Hypoproliferative Anemia; general and differential laboratory tests
-Hemoglobinopathies; general and differential laboratory tests
-Thalassemia; general and differential laboratory tests
-Hemolytic Anemia;  general and differential laboratory tests Hemoglobinopathies; general and differential laboratory tests





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