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 A One_Week Short-Term Course on Parasitology and Mycology Skills Training Course in Mobile lab will be held by the Allied Medical Sciences Department of Aja University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
To provide a concise sessions of Parasitology and Mycology laboratory tests in a mobile lab.
Training in the practical aspects of medical parasitology and mycology in mobile lab.
Main Topics
Parasitology field :
-  Sample Preparation (feces, ulcers, blood, and etc)
- Solutions (normal salin, logol, methylen blue) and fecal preservers (poly vinyl alcohol, formalin)
- Separation methods (flotation, formalin-ether sedimentation)
- Direct smear and microscopic examination
- Occult Blood Tests, Scotch tape test
- Lesion sampling method for Cutaneous Leishmaniasis
- Preparation of the thin and thick slides for malaria.
Mycology field:


- Principles of sampling (hair removal, nail and skin scraping)




- KOH direct smear and microscopic examination



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