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In August, 1961 and upon the approval of the Cabinet, the ‘Iranian Food and Nutrition Institute’ was established as an independent entity, but in collaboration with the Ministry of Health. Its mission was determining the general nutritional guidelines at national level based on scientific studies. The Institute had an educational wing known as ‘the Higher Institute of Nutrition Sciences & Food Stuff Chemistry’.

Then, in 1976, the Parliament (before the Islamic Revolution in 1979) approved the establishment of ‘The Iranian Institute of Nutrition Sciences & Food Technology’. Consequently, the previous institute was eliminated, and the new one began its mission. In line with that trend, in March, 1977, the same Parliament approved the establishment of ‘The School of Nutrition Sciences & Food Technology’.

Based on Act III of the ‘Laws and Tasks of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education’ approved in 1988, the tasks and activities of the school were transferred to one of the three Universities of Medical Sciences in Tehran, the capital of Iran; therefore, the school continued its mission under the supervision of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, but it has maintained its own independent financial and legal entity. Presently, there are 4 departments at the school including Departments of Clinical Nutrition & Dietary Treatment, Social Nutrition, Food Industry, and Basic Sciences.


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