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 New Horizon for International Students


Shahid Beheshti University of Medical sciences admit International students in all fields and levels of higher education, which leads in degree based, and certificate based qualifications. At SBUMS we offer wide range of facilities such as dormitories, insurance, transportation, health care and cultural student centers. For our future plan we intend to have a summer school in which the whole prospective of our university is demonstrated in a cultural and educational tour.


Our yearly admission criteria and procedures with further information is available at our website. It is worth mentioning that our special booklet is also designed and available for those who are interested.

Currently Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences has announced around 300 seats available for international student admission in 2017-2018 academic year in a wide a wide range of fields from 3 subspecialty, 6 fellowship, 18 specialties, 25 PhD, 135 MPH, 15 general medical fields, to 62 majors in MSc and 35 majors in BSc levels.

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