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Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (SBUMS) is one of the three medical universities in Tehran, the capital of Iran. It began its mission in 1961 by establishing the School of Medicine.

The university is basically government funded and its fundamental cornerstones include the Board of Trustees and the University Council. Furthermore, 8 vice-Chancellors in academic and education, research, health, treatment, food and drug, administration and resources development, and cultural and student’s affairs are the main wings of the university in fulfilling its tasks.

Presently, the university benefits from 12 schools admitting students in a wide and varied range of fields from, 24 sub-specialties, 40 fellowships, 34 specialties, 43 PhDs, 15 MPH, 3 general medical fields (medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy), to 63 majors at MSC and BSC levels. The university also benefits from the full time and invaluable cooperation of 1492 academic staff including 305 professors, 451 associate professors, 713 assistant professors, and 126 lecturers in 2022 that educate and train more than 12500 students.

Moreover, it is worth to mention that the SBUMS benefits from six research institutes, and seventy-seven research centers, seven of which are working with the World Health Organization (WHO).

Over the years, SBUMS has train thousands of students at different levels, including undergraduate and graduate levels in various fields of specialty such as PhDs, specialty, sub-specialty, fellowships, among others, who are currently providing health-related services to Iran, as well as many other countries.

Since 1988, and following the merging of the Ministry of Health with Medical Education, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences has been responsible for providing, maintaining, and promoting the health of more than 5.25 million residents within the Iranian capital of Tehran, as well as neighboring cities in Eastern and Southern Tehran Provinces.


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