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Mission & Vision



SMUMS, with cutting-edge technology in electronic education and artificial intelligence, and taking advantage of capable human resources encourages virtual education, research, knowledge-based technologies, and artificial intelligence development in health, treatment, and medical education. As a synergistic university, SMUMS plays an important role in developing virtual education and artificial intelligence to improve society’s welfare and health by collaborating with other domestic and foreign universities and related institutions, and by adhering to ethical professional principles.




SMUMS will be a leading university in the virtualization of medical sciences education by 2025. It will also be recognized at the national, regional, and international levels as a scientific reference for transferring and applying artificial intelligence technology in health.



 • Synergistic Cooperation

• Providing health care and educational justice

• Organizational excellence

• Prioritizing meritocracy and quality management

• Professionalism and teamwork

• Compliance with intellectual property rights and professional ethics

• Transparency and participation






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