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The office of Academic Affairs of the Smart Medical University is determined to utilize the scientific capacity of professors, staff and learners and modern educational technologies in cyberspace to expand the boundaries of knowledge.

This goal is to be achieved with an emphasis on Islamic values, preserving human dignity, observing social justice, educational excellence, equal educational opportunities, work groups and interdisciplinary collaborations in order to provide the necessary conditions for the qualitative and quantitative promotion of education in the Islamic field.

Accordingly, the task of planning, managing, and directing the university’s virtual education affairs, supervising the proper implementation of research educational rules and regulations, deciding on educational issues, policy making, and making necessary commitments, to enhance educational quality are among the major objectives of the office of Academic Affairs.

Furthermore, this office aims to make use of significant communication tools and design new teaching methods, namely, e-Learning to increase efficiency and reduce costs and develop varied training programs to cover a broader range of the community and offer different sciences, tailored to the community’s needs in cyberspace.











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