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News & Events | Meeting of the Deputy for International Affairs of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences an...

Code : 22807-339410      Created Date : Monday, December 11, 2023   Update Date : Monday, December 11, 2023    Visit : 43

Meeting of the Deputy for International Affairs of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and the Official of International Cooperation Desk with China

A joint meeting between Dr. Sharif Kashani, the Deputy of International Affairs at the Shahid Beheshti University, and Dr. Abbas Haqparast, the Responsible for International Cooperation Desk with China, was held on October 6, 2023.


This meeting was organized to present a report on the recent mission to China and the visits to scientific centers in that country, as well as to reflect the scientific and research capacities of China through the China Desk of the International Deputy Office. A report was presented regarding the agreements signed during this trip.

Additionally, Dr. Haqparast provided a report on their specialized scientific visits to 20 scientific centers in 10 cities, highlighting important aspects such as the presence of major and well-established scientific partners, as well as emerging scientific centers from countries such as the United States, Germany, etc.

Finally, it was decided that in the meeting of the executive board of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, in addition to presenting a detailed report on the actions taken, the plans of the China Desk, including reciprocal invitations from foreign counterparts, would be discussed and necessary decisions would be made.

Dr. Sharif Kashani, the Deputy of International Affairs, Dr. Javani, the Director of International Development, and Ms. Vatanparvar, the Deputy Director of Development, were present at this meeting.

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