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For any applicant to be admitted to Tehran University of Medical Sciences, he or she must meet certain admission criteria. These standards have been set in place in order to ensure that the quality and performance of the TUMS student population remains high and sticks to a trend of growth year by year. This university is a major institute of higher education in Asia and is turning into a significant academic and scientific center in the global landscape of higher education. As a result, we opt to admit students of notable academic performance and a motivation to achieve excellence in their own fields.


Carefully read the requirements which apply to your status, i.e. whether you intend to study in the undergraduate level or the graduate level, and make sure you can meet these admission criteria.


Below you can read explanations on how to prepare some of the requirements. It is recommended that you follow these points and suggestions in order to make sure that your application documents are suitable and satisfactory.


Curriculum Vitae

Your C.V. is one of the most important documents in your application. You must make sure that the information you provide in a C.V. is accurate, up-to-date and clear. It is through your C.V. that our experts and admission committee members get to know you.


There are different types and formats for a C.V. Each has different sections, all of which must be written and filled with adequate care and accuracy. At TUMS, we highly recommend and expect that your C.V. includes the following sections:

  • Personal and Contact Information, including:

Name, gender, nationality, telephone/cellphone number, complete postal address, email address etc.

  • Education Information, including:

All previous education since secondary education/high school, beginning and ending year of each mentioned academic period, thesis title for thesis-based degrees, GPA of each academic period, attended seminars or workshops etc. 

  • Publications (in case you have published academic work), including:

Published scholarly articles, contributions in scientific/academic publications, conference papers etc.

  • Professional Working Experience, including:

Places you have worked, you position, short description of responsibilities and duties, beginning and ending year of each job etc.

NOTE: Although all types of work experience are important, it is recommended that you give a higher priority to those jobs which have some relevance to your academic background or your intended academic programs in the future.

  • Language Knowledge and Qualifications, including:

Name and level of proficiency (beginner, intermediate, advanced, native etc.) of any language you know, name and score of any official language tests you have taken etc.

NOTE: As a minimum band score 0f 5.5 in IELTS, or its equivalent in TOEFL iBT or TOEFL PBT, is an admission requirement here at TUMS, it is highly recommended that you provide the score of any standardized English language test you have taken in this section. Write you TOEFL and IELTS scores in this part, providing the score of each test section, i.e. Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing.

  • Notable Skills, including:

Computer skills such as adequate familiarity with different software, social skills such as public speaking and lecturing, language skills such as translation or editing etc.

  • Honors and Awards, including:

Any notable awards, certificates or honors you have received during your academic career in contests, seminars, workshops as a result of high-quality performance or excellence in your specific academic field of interest or line of work.

  • Interests and Hobbies, including:

Academic interests such as various fields of study in which you are interested, research interests etc., as well as personal interests and hobbies such as music, sports, arts etc.

  • References, including:


Name and contact information (especially email addresses) of references, primarily your university teachers and professors or references who know you in a professional working capacity, i.e. from your jobs




Motivation Letter


Another important document in your application is the motivation letter.


This letter is of the utmost importance as it is the letter which primarily helps the admission committee members to become acquainted with your mindset and future goals as an applicant.


It is also the letter through which you have the opportunity to convince the authorities that you are one of the best among many other applicants, explain the rationale that why you should be chosen as one of the future students at TUMS, and the reasons you chose TUMS as your future academic destination.


We do not prescribe a strict and inflexible framework or format for motivation letters, as it is you who should write the letter in your own unique way. Nonetheless, there are certain points to observe which can help you write a more suitable and efficient letter.

  • Content: The content of the motivation letter is vital to the admission process. We suggest you invest a good deal of time on it. You will use your own unique writing style but make sure you include enough information about the following points:

o   Clearly state the level and program (major) of your choice.

o   Elaborate on the underlying reasons for your interest in that specific field. Make sure you address all aspects of the major or program you wish to study and explain how those aspects have become important to you.

o   Relevant to your chosen program, state your long-term goals and explain how those goals can be realized by studying the mentioned program and through studying in TUMS. Focus on how you are going to use the knowledge you will acquire in your chosen program to make progress towards your future purposes.

o   Also, try and explain how your personal skills and motivation, academic planning and potential for growth make you the most suitable applicant among others who have applied for the same program.

o   Remember that you aim to convince the admission committee members by your skills, abilities and potentials. Making requests or appeals only serve to impair the idea of the members of you and weaken your status as an applicant with potentials.

  • Organization and Format: Besides the content, how you organize your ideas and statements is also highly significant. A great and interesting content written in a haphazard manner cannot carry much of an impact. Therefore, you should carefully observe the organization of the content in your letter.

o   Make sure your ideas are sufficiently explained and you have not left behind ambiguous or unclear statements throughout the text.

o   Organize your ideas with care and ensure that they do not contradict with each other.

o   Pay attention to the division of ideas and paragraphs. Avoid mixing ideas with each other or fragmenting an idea by putting it in different paragraphs.

  • Neatness and Order: Not only does a motivation letter depict your academic mindset and future aims, it also reflects your personality as a university student or scholar.

o   Neatness is highly important in your letter. It is highly recommended that you type the letter and avoid handwriting.

o   Make sure that the quality of the file you send is sufficiently high and the content is legible.

o   Also, proofread your letter once or twice and make sure you have not made any spelling or grammatical mistakes.


In case of any inquiries about the admission requirements, feel free to contact the Office of Admissions via the email below:


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