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Tuition Fee and Expenses

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Tuition Fee and Expenses


One of the most important points you should consider before applying to any overseas university is the matter of expenses. Below, we have provided detailed information about your studies expenses at TUMS. Carefully, study tables and with the help of the information given, think through and cover all aspects of financial matters for the duration of your studies at TUMS. 


Expenses based on programs and first-year Awarded Scholarship is as follows:



February 2020- Kish Island Campus




B.Sc. in Life Science


7 years

6 years

3 years

Education Fee

5833 €

5833 €

2500 €

Accommodation Fee

100% Scholarship for first two years

100% Scholarship for first two years

100% Scholarship for first two years

Persian Language Classes

75% Scholarship

75% Scholarship

75% Scholarship

English Language Classes

0-75% Scholarship

0-75% Scholarship

0-75% Scholarship



February 2020- Tehran- Main Campus




M.Pharm./ Pharm.D.

Other B.Sc. Programs


6 years

5 years

4.5-5.5 years

4 years

Education Fee

6250 €

6250 €

5417 €

2500 €

Accommodation Fee

50% Scholarship

50% Scholarship

50% Scholarship

50% Scholarship

Persian Language Classes

75% Scholarship

75% Scholarship

not required

75% Scholarship

English Language Classes

0-75% Scholarship

0-75% Scholarship

0-75% Scholarship

0-75% Scholarship



TUMS Funding and Scholarships


There is no application fee at TUMS. Filling the Online Application Form is free of charge and active all year round but it is highly recommended to apply 6 months prior to your intended academic session.




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