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School of Pharmacy

At the present time, School of Pharmacy at Tehran University of Medical Sciences, with about 160 academic members and staff (full professors, associate professors, assistant professors, lecturers, technicians), and 1,200 students, is one of the most dynamic and well-equipped instructional and research academic centers in Iran


When University of Tehran was established in 1934, Pharmacy program was managed with the School of Medicine. At that time, pharmacy program lasted 3 years and required high school diploma. Since 1939 the duration of education changed to 4 years and a Pharm.D. degree has been approved to be granted to the graduates. In 1956, the Pharmacy program was separated from Medicine and a 5- year education was established in the School of Pharmacy. 
Before 1978, the pharmacy education was limited to undergraduate courses, but since 1986 the Ph.D. courses in ten disciplinarians including medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutics, toxicology and pharmacology, pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical biotechnology, food and drugs control , raidiopharmacy, drug economy and management, clinical pharmacy, pharmaceutical nanotechnology, and pharamceutical biomaterial have been established. 
At the present time, School of Pharmacy at Tehran University of Medical Sciences, with about 160 academic members and staff (full professors, associate professors, assistant professors, lecturers, technicians), and 1,200 students, is one of the most dynamic and well-equipped instructional and research academic centers in Iran.
The School of Pharmacy offers various academic programs. You can find more on the school's official webpage.
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