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The Faculty of Agriculture was founded in 1982 by Dr. Teymour Tavakoli. The decree for its establishment was issued by the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution and at first it was temporarily founded at the Faculty of Economics in Shaheed Beheshti University. In its first year of establishment, the faculty offered graduate programs in 12 agricultural fields (irrigation and drainage, plant breeding, agricultural economics, horticulture, plant pathology, irrigation technology, agricultural promotion and training, agricultural entomology, soil science (agrology), husbandry, agriculture and mechanics of agricultural machinery) and six disciplines of natural resources. Two years later, in 1984, the faculty was moved once again to the faculty of humanities located at Tarbiat Modares University campus. In 1993, it was moved to its current location (km 17th of Tehran-Karaj highway). The Faculty is currently located in an area of about 40 hectares of land, with 5 hectares of experiment fields, 24520 square meters of building, a swimming pool, a gym, student dormitory and a new dormitory building of 14,000 square meters which is under construction.
The educational office pursues the following objectives:

  • Supervising the implementation of educational regulations and bylaws at the Faculty
  • Recording and archiving students? transcripts, and graduate records
  • Issuing temporary certificates and academic confirmations
  • Handling students? admission and registration affairs
  • Establishing and maintaining coordination between the departments of the faculty
  • Handling schedules, classroom management and supervision
  • Handling exam programs and monitoring their implementation

The Deputy of Research at the faculty of agriculture is in charge of research affairs of students and faculty members, these duties can be outlined as follows:

  • Supervising the meetings of the specialized committees of the departments of the Faculty of Agriculture
  • Holding biweekly meetings of the research council to examine and approve the proposals of the students and determine the policies of the faculty
  • Handling the theses / dissertations paper works
  • Handling students? three or six-month progress reports
  • Providing financial and spiritual support for students during dissertation writings
  • Managing the affairs of the students who are about to defend their theses / dissertations and handling the relevant paper works (invitation of readers, examiners, etc?)
  • Providing research services such as distributing books and coupons
  • Managing research related issues such as allocation of funds, budgets, receipt and control of vouchers, purchase receipts etc?
  • Communicating with non-faculty centers and research institutes to facilitate students? research projects and issuing introduction letters for them
  • Performing affairs related to the student's clearance after holding the defense session
  • Setting up annual and quarterly reports of research activities conducted continuously to present to the vice-chancellor of research, student affairs, public relations, management, supervision and evaluation in the university and the ministry of science
  • Conducting research correspondence with heads of departments, faculty members and holding sessions related to students or laboratories
  • Handling correspondence with research deputy for the purchase of laboratory goods / equipment
  • Managing issues of research projects by faculty members
  • Holding training workshops (safety standards at laboratories etc?)
  • Doing business related to the faculty members and students participation at domestic or foreign scientific communities
  • Commemorating Research Week Ceremony

bullet Deputy Office for Administration & Finance

  • Controlling and overseeing the work of affiliated offices and coordinating their activities
  • Implementing by-laws and regulations and administrative and financial regulations
  • Monitoring the attendance of administrative staff (timely arrival and departure)
  • Carrying out all affairs related to employee evaluation
  • Establishing monthly and annual reports for presentation to the Faculty Dean ?.
  • Supervising, coordinating and assigning tasks for service and procurement staff
  • Coordinating the internal and external purchase orders
  • Supervising the Department of Transportation
  • Supervising the works of servicemen
  • Managing warehouses and monitoring the storage, entry and exit of goods and their maintenance
  • Supervising and managing the faculty?s green space
  • Handling the procurement of goods needed by different offices
  • Setting up the documents of the purchased goods and sending it to the university's financial department to process and issue property labels.
  • Collaborating with faculty departments to equip laboratories ...

bullet Faculty Council

Councils are regarded as one of the fundamental pillars of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The faculty council is responsible for making decisions on the current educational and research issues of the faculty. The members of this council are:

  1. Dean of the Faculty
  2. Deputy of Administrative and Finance
  3. Deputy of Research
  4. Deputy of academic affairs (educational deputy)
  5. Heads of educational departments
  6. Director of scientific hub for recycling and reducing strategic agricultural waste products

bullet Message of the Dean

The agricultural sector is the driving force for economic growth, job creation and national development. From the point of view of the great founder of Islamic Revolution and the Supreme Leader, the agricultural sector plays an outstanding role in national self-sufficiency and agriculture is one of the major pillars of national security. According to Imam Khomeini, "the attention to the reconstruction of industrial centers should not abort the efforts aimed at achieving agricultural self-sufficiency, but the first priority should always be placed on agricultural self-sufficiency and the authorities have to pursue this policy more than ever. Certainly, self-sufficiency in agriculture is a prerequisite for independence and self-sufficiency in other fields. As the Supreme Leader maintains: "the agricultural sector is a central pillar of the country's administration and the authorities of different organizations must understand this importance and take into account all issues affecting the position of the agricultural sector, including allocation of funds and facilities, attention to academic and non-academic research and training, the appointment of capable people at the forefront and resolving the farmers' problems?. Faculty of Agriculture of TMU, with its dedicated and competent professors and elite students, is trying to achieve the scientific goals of the national 20-year vision document, its scientific mission in the production of science and technology and the acquisition of advanced knowledge and bring the country the reputation it deserves. This faculty strives to focus on science and research through the expansion of educational and research capacities. It aims to follow the policy of meeting the real needs of society, commercialization of science and training of creative, participatory and responsible professionals. According to the objectives of the fifth development plan of the country, the main orientation of the faculty of agriculture concerns the use of knowledge and technology in the process of agricultural production, creation of food security based on the production of healthy products, increasing the productivity of water and soil resources and protecting the environment and natural resources.
It is hoped that by divine grace, the ambitious goals of the Faculty of Agriculture will be realized by strengthening the atmosphere of vitality and hope for the future, synergy, mutual understanding, interaction and exchange of views, and the constructive and valuable experiences of teaching staff and elite students.


  • Agricultural Economics
  • Agricultural Entomology
  • Agricultural Extension and Education
  • Animal Sciences
  • Mechanical and Biosystems Engineering
  • Cultivation
  • Food Sciences
  • Genetic and herbal breeds
  • Horticulture
  • Hydro Structures
  • Irrigation and Drainage
  • Phytopathology
  • Poultry Science
  • Soil Science
  • Water Resources Management

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