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The Industrial Engineering Department, as one of the first departments of the Faculty of Engineering of Tarbiat Modares University, was founded in 11984, with the admission of 5 students at the master's degree in Industrial Engineering. Shortly after its establishment, the Industrial Engineering Department was promoted to the Industrial Engineering Division in accordance with the development policy of the university consisting of three departments of industrial engineering, system and productivity management, and socio-economic systems engineering. The IT department was later added to the above departments. In 1988, the first Ph.D. program in Industrial Engineering started by the Industrial Engineering Department with the admission of 2 students and the first Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering was graduated in 1995. Since then, nearly 1,000 graduate students and 100 Ph.D. alumni in engineering have graduated from Tarbiat Modares University, the majority of whom have been recruited as faculty members of prestigious domestic and foreign universities, or have been hired as senior managers of the industrial and service entities, worked as deputies of ministers, Members of Parliament, university presidents or faculty deans. In 2015, based on the capabilities and achievements of the Industrial Engineering Division, the Board of Trustees of Tarbiat Modares University agreed with its organizational upgrade and promoted its status to the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Systems, thereby providing the ground for further development of this scientific unit. The Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Systems currently has 20 full-time professors teaching in the following departments:

  • System Optimization (MS and Ph.D.)
  • Engineering Management (Master Program)
  • Socio-Economic Systems Engineering (MA)
  • Information Technology (Masters and Ph.D.)
  • Financial Engineering (MA)
  • Healthcare Systems Engineering (MS)
  • Network Systems (MS)
  • Transport Engineering (MA)

Meanwhile, works for the foundation of logistics and supply chain engineering department is underway.
The Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Systems currently has about 300 square meters of research space in the form of 7 research laboratories. It also enjoys an exclusive computer site with fast Internet (in addition to the faculty and university computer sites) for the use of its students.
Current laboratories of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Systems are:

  • Modeling technology in manufacturing systems (robotics and automation)
  • Information technology
  • Healthcare systems
  • Quality engineering and management
  • Large-scale computing
  • simulation
  • transportation planning

bullet Outlook, Objectives and Missions

The outlook envisioned for the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Systems can be described as: The Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Systems consists of educational industrial engineering departments which focus on advanced training in various fields of industrial engineering and analysis of various industrial, socio-economic systems. The Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Systems aims to train specialists who are capable of recognizing and providing human, material or machinery systems by utilizing the knowledge and skills of engineering.
Accordingly, the graduates of this faculty are supposed to be able to:

  • Identify the problems of ministries, corporate organizations and industrial systems
  • Search for logical connections between components of productive and nonproductive systems
  • Plan and deliver the model for the best performance of system operation
  • Control systems to track deficiencies and provide the optimal and final model
  • Plan and participate in implementation of industrial research projects in the country

The main mission of TMU's Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Systems concerns the creation of a coherent set of research and educational activities that at the highest levels of science will lead to the worldwide promotion of professors and the access of students to scientific works in the field of industrial engineering and their ability to review research texts, bring about innovation and creativity as well as help to advance and expand the boundaries of knowledge and, above all, excellence in the field of engineering sciences.
The basic strategies of the Faculty can be outlined as follows:

  1. To strengthen growth and diversity
  2. To achieve scientific excellence
  3. To communicate closely with society and industry
  4. To pursue National and International Cooperation
  5. To popularize the application of Information Technology
  6. To develop infrastructure and human resources
  7. To gain scientific glory and honor
  8. To create financial sustainability
  9. To be accountable

bullet Participatory Management System

A participatory management model has been used to implement and guarantee the successful implementation of the basic strategies of the faculty. Participatory management is a managerial process characterized by a large amount of team decision making, in which each person is given a widespread opportunity to use individual competence in his work. This method is in complete opposition to the traditional vertical management systems. Participation is a mental and emotional involvement of individuals in group situations that help them to assist each other to achieve group goals and share work responsibilities. Participatory management or participatory system is based on three important assumptions: 1- engagement, 2- assisting, and 3- accepting responsibility. With this assumptions, participation is the process of involving employees in organizational decision-making processes that may be shaped in different dimensions, and these dimensions include the degree, scope, form, level, and basis of participation.
Various processes are implemented in the form of participatory management at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Systems, some of which are as follows: research services, educational services, doctoral research and education, organizing and equipping laboratories, contact with industry, graduates affairs, scientific research communication, attracting and managing financial support, web site management and virtual networks, printing and publishing, and promoting the departmental educational quality.

bullet Achievements and Honors:

The most important achievements that have been made since the establishment of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Systems can be summarized as follows:

  • Active participation in the board of directors of Iran Industrial Engineering Association (chairman, vice chairman, and secretary).
  • Chairman of the Specialized Committee of Industrial Engineering at the High Council for Planning of the Ministry of Science (since 1994).
  • Active participation in the compilation of the majority of textbooks taught at master and doctoral programs of Industrial Engineering Departments
  • The active and decisive role of the faculty members in the scientific associations related to industrial engineering (such as the Iranian Industrial Engineering Association, the Iranian Logistics Association, Information Technology, etc.) and relevant specialized councils
  • Strong communication of its faculty members with different departments of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology
  • Establishing and chairing the IT Research Institute of Tarbiat Modares University
  • Establishming and chairing the Office of Excellence for the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of Tarbiat Modares University.
  • Co-operation in the formulation of a strategic plan for several ministries (foreign affairs, labor and social affairs, mines and metals)
  • Development and implementation of qualitative processes and strategies at Tarbiat Modares University such as participatory management, strategic management, organizational excellence, internal evaluation, EFQM, and so on
  • Receiving the National Award of Productivity and Organizational Excellence in Higher Education from Tarbiat Modares Engineering and Technology Faculty with the support of the faculty members of Industrial Engineering Department
  • Award winners of the Kharazmi Festival by faculty members
  • Appointment of its alumni as faculty members at reputable universities and their recruitment in high occupational positions
  • Serving as faculty members at international universities and foreign engineering and management positions by a number of graduates of the faculty
  • Initiating contact with reputable international universities which has led to the establishment of e-commerce and marketing departments in cooperation with the University of Lulea in Sweden
  • Having the highest number of foreign students at the university from countries such as India, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Albania and Spain
  • Being a pioneer in the provision of modern and virtual education at the university by launching virtual training courses for systems management and information technology productivity and engineering.
  • Achieving top-level university degrees in attracting foreign resources and conducting research projects


  • Electronic Marketing and Business

  • Industrial Engineering
  • IT Engineerin
  • Socio-economic Systems
  • Systems and Productivity Management

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