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 Following the foundation of TMU, as the first university established in post Islamic Revolution, in 1982 educational and research activities related to Management, Economics, Accounting and Information Science and Informatics began at the Faculty of Humanities. It was in 2008 which TMU Board of Trustees approved the establishment of a separate Faculty with 8 departments. This Faculty presently enjoys the service of 28 full-time faculty members, 40 guest lecturers, and serves 700 master and doctorate students.

bullet Deputy of Academic Affairs

Deputy for the Academic Affairs is in charge of the following tasks: students enrollment and credit course registration, planning and evaluation, exams and graduation. This deputy functions under the supervision of faculty dean and strives to enhance educational and research quality in the areas of management, economics and informatics.

Education Office

  • Managing and monitoring the educational regulations and by-laws and offering consultation to students
  • Communicating the enactments and circulatory letters (by the university or ministry) to relevant departments
  • Receiving and processing students requests and submitting them to relevant units
  • Coordinating with other offices of the faculty and providing requested certificates
  • Attending experts educational commissions
  • Approving the master and doctorate students registration papers
  • Issuing and signing students temporary certificates
  • Administering students requests concerning their educational problems .
  • Utilizing efficient educational systems
  • Attending the affairs of visitors / students in a cordial manner
  • Managing and performing any other affair referred to the office


Admission and Exams Office

  • Communicating with departments to determine the number of master and doctorate students
  • Estimating the c & a coefficients of departments, and determining the capacity for each field of study
  • Preparing the final reports of each departments capacity and submitting them to the facultys board of directors for final approval
  • Communicating the ultimate capacity for each field of study to the Universitys Planning, Supervision & Evaluation Head Office
  • Handling requests for the establishment of new courses / departments and preparing curricula
  • Handling the affairs of honor, guest students and administering the affairs of all courses which require interview at master level
  • Handling all the affairs related to doctorate entrance exam (receiving the test drafts, typing, preparing,), and announcing the test results to the director of Academic Collaboration & Evaluation Office
  • Administering the written exam of all departments at Ph. D level
  • Handling all the affairs related to the scientific interview of doctorate applicants
  • Preparing the final score (oral and written) of all Ph. D applicants and communicating them to Academic Collaboration & Evaluation Office to be published in highly-circulated newspapers and uploaded on the Website of the university


Curriculum Planning and Weekly Calendar

  • Communicating with departments and fulfilling their educational demands (video projector, overhead, .)
  • Providing the required reports and statistics
  • Controlling and correcting educational information
  • Providing better services and facilitating educational processes
  • Dealing with low-enrollment courses
  • Dealing with all the affairs related to Reading Courses
  • Administering any other affair related to weekly schedules


Registration and Enrollment Office

  • Sending the list of newly-admitted students (master and doctorate) to relevant departments
  • Enrolling master and doctorate students in each semester
  • Add / drop courses
  • Preparing reports and statistics about the existing students
  • Helping the students who have failed to register on time
  • Administering all the affairs related to extension
  • Dealing with / performing affairs to students leave
  • Dealing with / performing affairs related to guest students
  • Dealing with / performing the affairs related to expiration date of students study time
  • Issuing confirmation letter for demanding students
  • Dealing with / performing the affairs related to withdrawing students
  • Providing consultation services to students / visitors and achieving their requests in a friendly manner
  • Managing and performing any other tasks assigned or referred to the office


Graduation Office

  • Issuing defense permits and announcing the list of students recently graduated to Educational Head Office
  • Preparing initial graduation certificate
  • Administering all the affairs related to qualification test
  • Final control of the transcript against the officially-approved syllabi
  • Administering all the tasks related to master and doctorate students clearance process
  • Reporting the statistics of the alumni to relevant authorities
  • Cooperating in the compilation of Memorial Book (Graduation Celebration)
  • Providing consultation services to students / visitors and achieving their requests in a friendly manner
  • Managing and performing any other tasks assigned or referred to the office


Exams and Evaluation Office

  • Archiving the exam scores of master and doctorate students
  • Troubleshooting score / exam issues
  • Dealing with students attendance / absence issues
  • Registering master and doctorate students credit courses in their transcript
  • Handling final-term exams
  • Calculating the students GPA and reporting the students who are on academic probation list
  • Administering the affairs related to the qualification exam of doctorate students
  • Preparing and handling the performance / progress reports of doctorate students
  • Handling the affairs of (probation, part-time and tuition paying) students
  • Providing consultation services to students / visitors and achieving their requests in a friendly manner
  • Managing and performing any other tasks assigned or referred to the office


Class Management

  • Assigning classes
  • Reporting the assigned classes to different departments
  • Monitoring the classrooms
  • Reporting the missed classes to the Deputy of Academic Affairs and dean office at the end of each month
  • Announcing the make-up classes
  • Hard and software maintenance and support for the classrooms
  • Providing consultation services to students / visitors and achieving their requests in a friendly manner
  • Managing and performing any other tasks assigned or referred to the office



  • Preparing students files by level and admission year
  • Handling received correspondence and archiving / delivering them
  • Encoding official letters by students level
  • Registering each students code in the archive
  • Archiving educational correspondence of students
  • Submitting the graduating students documents to relevant departments
  • Attending to other tasks referred or assigned to the office


bullet Research Deputy

Considering the unique status of research in the promotion of science and innovation and taking into account the position of TMU as a graduate university, this university gives high priority to the promotion of research both qualitatively and quantitatively. To achieve the above cited mission, the deputies of research at the university and faculty levels strive to encourage faculty members and students to get engaged in basic and applied research activities by developing appropriate policies and strategies. The output of all these team works has been the compilation of dissertations, books, translations and articles published in credible domestic and foreign journals, participation and award winning at numerous festivals / conferences, drawing up numerous contracts with external companies all of which meant to fulfill the managerial and financial needs of the country. The research deputy of Management and Economics Faculty also pursues a systematic program to enhance basic and applied research at this faculty. This deputy publishes its research activities in semi-annual and annual reports. The Research Office of the faculty which is a subsidiary of the research deputy provides the following services to faculty members and students:

  • Helping students during theses and dissertation preparation
  • Monitoring the good performance of research regulations from proposal to defense and clearance processes of master and doctorate graduates
  • Handling research affairs of master and doctorate students (participation in conferences, funding, paper submission .)
  • Handling professors research affairs (paper awards, funding for research plans)
  • Administering correspondence with departments and Research Head Office
  • Monitoring the facultys research and scientific seminars
  • Preparing research reports / statistics for relevant authorities


Job description of Research Office of Management & Economics Faculty

  • Providing consultation services to the students during theses and dissertation preparation
  • Monitoring the good performance of research regulations from proposal to defense and clearance processes of master and doctorate graduates
  • Handling research affairs of master and doctorate students (participation in conferences, funding, papers submission .)
  • Handling professors research affairs (paper awards, funding for research plans)
  • Administering correspondence with departments and Research Head Office
  • Monitoring the facultys research and scientific seminars
  • Preparing research reports / statistics for relevant authorities

To perform the above tasks, the research office enjoys the services of several experts whose main responsibilities are outlined below:

  • Examining and approving the research proposals (by both master and doctorate students) to estimate the costs
  • Examining the authenticity of receipts and invoices submitted by students and approving the documents for payment by financial department
  • Providing financial clearance forms to students for final graduation
  • Estimating and proposing necessary budget to fund students theses / dissertation and communicating them to the universitys Research Deputy on the basis of information obtained from heads of different departments and the number of students
  • Approving purchase invoices requested by faculty members to support students theses / dissertations
  • Acting as the secretary of specialized committee for the approval of doctorate proposals and handling related affairs
  • Providing data and statistics about students theses costs
  • Performing other tasks assigned / referred to them


Job description of research expert - master students

  • Receiving the proposal, reviewing and commenting (for possible defects), controlling the readers and advisors boxes, estimating the costs, getting the final approval from research deputy and issuing the final approval
  • Receiving students 3 month progress reports, checking the date, content and signature, doing possible corrections in line with research regulations and procedures
  • Controlling the compatibility of the theses final draft with the research format and sending the assessment form to the examiners nominated by the relevant departments
  • Receiving the students clearance documents and doing the preliminary works for final confirmation by Research Deputy
  • Determining the limit for readers or advisors at master and doctorate levels
  • Issuing formal notices for students, readers, advisors after the approval of proposals
  • Issuing introduction letters for the students who wish to undertake research works at different state or private organizations / institutes / companies or departments
  • Registering the particulars of each proposal in the research system immediately after its entry into the research office (master and doctorate)
  • Communicating approval or any change during the research to the education and research offices of the faculty and university
  • Preparing defense minutes (for master and doctorate students)
  • Issuing invitation letters for readers, advisors, examiners
  • Issuing defense certificate for reader and advisors after the defense session
  • Introducing doctorate students to Students Affairs General Office to refund the costs of typing and printing
  • Preparing and providing statistics concerning the defended or approved dissertations
  • Keeping track and recording the specifications of theses / dissertations, readers, advisors, titles, costs, date of approval and date of defense in special forms and delivering them to Research General Office
  • Performing other tasks referred / assigned to


Job description of research experts doctorate students

During Research Stage:

  • Controlling three month reports and seminars
  • Providing help and consultation about research affairs and dissertation composition


During Defense Stage:

  • Handling the defense session affairs, dissertation format and other research related affairs


During Clearance Stage:

  • Receiving the clearance-related documents and final bounded dissertation
  • Sending the defense minute to the faculty education office
  • Performing other tasks referred / assigned to


Archiving the students documents:

  • Administering the affairs related to participation in exhibitions
  • Performing any other task assigned to


bullet Deputy of Financial and Administrative Affairs

Job Description:

Administrative affairs of both faculty members and staff:

  1. Handling the affairs of department staff and other full and part time employees, preparing payrolls, overtime pay ……
  2. Monitoring and controlling all the affairs related to the faculty’s support and resources
  3. Evaluating the staff’s performance
  4. Approving the staff’s leave, mission , …
  5. Controlling the staff attendance
  6. Handling supply affairs and financial management
  7. Preparing financial and administrative statements as demanded
  8. Monitoring and controlling working employees
  9. Participation in formal and informal meetings / sessions including Education or Research Council, Board of Directors, Heads of Departments, Deputies Council, Monitoring and Evaluation Council …
  10. Controlling and monitoring the faculty’s storeroom
  11. Providing required statistics / reports as needed


Support and Procurement Department:

  1. Repairing, maintaining and upgrading the existing computers
  2. Ordering and supplying the general and specialized needs of departments
  3. Monitoring the performance of cleaning service companies
  4. supplying consumer and non-consumer commodities, mobilizing laboratories


Typing and Secretariat Office

  1. Reception, registration and distribution of incoming / outgoing correspondence, archiving the documents
  2. Typing all letters, circulatory letters, schedules and correspondence
  3. Performing fax dispatch for board of directors and faculty members


Accounting Office

  1. Projecting the current and income budget
  2. Paying faculty’s costs / expenses in accordance with ratified budget and relevant regulations
  3. Preparing financial documents and handing them to Financial Department
  4. Closing the current and research accounts during accounts settlement at the end of fiscal year

bullet Message of the Faculty Dean:

By expanding and developing the educational and research capacities at national and regional level and utilizing the services of qualified faculty members and relying on pivotal values, this faculty strives to fulfill the community’s needs and aims to constantly get engaged in knowledge creation activities and expansion of national, regional and international collaboration by means of internalizing competition, innovation and participation.


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 More Information: Field of Study (MSc, Ph.D.)

Online Application: Apply now

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