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The Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at TMU has provided master and doctorate degrees in major engineering and electrical engineering fields for nearly three decades. These programs include: electronics, computers, control, power, telecommunications, medical engineering, and new branches in interdisciplinary fields such as nano-electronics, information technology, and information and communication technology. The Faculty has signed numerous research collaborations with various industries such as electricity, telecommunications and computers, which has created the groundwork for increasing students' research capabilities in the process of carrying out projects. In this regard, this faculty hosts the National Center for the Study of Power Planning, the Center for Innovation of Mobile Communications Systems and the Spam Research Center. 
The incessant scientific and research efforts of faculty members have attracted financial support for research projects from various industries and related organizations. Several research and funding facilities have been donated for ongoing projects and construction of advanced laboratories. To date, a total of 26 laboratories have been set up and are operational in various sub-disciplines, some of which are matchless in the whole country.

bullet History

Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Tarbiat Modares University, started its scientific activities in 1983 as an affiliation of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology with 6 departments of Electronics, Control, Power, Telecommunication, Medical Engineering and Computer, and in July 2009 it began its activities as an independent faculty. The teaching staff consist of 39 full-time faculty members, 11 of whom are professors, 8 are associate professors and 20 are assistant professors. More than 26 laboratories are active in the faculty to create a suitable ground for educational, research and technology development. Faculty members and students publish more than 60 articles in ISI and refereed journals each year and they have presented more than 260 articles at internal and external conferences so far.
Since 1999, the faculty of electrical and computer engineering has been publishing a journal entitled ?Barghe Modares?, which was successfully promoted to a peer-reviewed journal in 2004 and is now published quarterly. The faculty has close collaborations with major industries of the country, one of the most important of these projects is called ?flagship?. 
The deans of the faculty in a chronological order have been: Dr. Ali Yazdian Varjani, Dr. Mohsen Parsa Moghadam, Dr. Abdolreza Nabavi, and Dr. Mohammad Hassan Ghasemian Yazdi. Presently Dr. Hamid Reza Momeni is the dean of Electrical Engineering & Computer Faculty. One of the important achievements of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering in recent years concerns the integration of modern management issues in its system. This faculty has the honor to introduce itself as the first educational institution of the country and act as a Management Model for other faculties by designing and implementing an outstanding model and participating in the National Award for Productivity and Organizational Excellence and obtaining the Certificate of Commitment to Excellence in 2007.

bullet Outlook

TMU?s Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, a leading pioneer in new technologies

The faculty strives to be a leading body in research on new technologies at the national and regional level with the aim of transforming and improving the country's position in new technologies at the global level. It aspires to be known as the most prominent research center and interdisciplinary education center for solving the real problems of industry and technology by recruiting competent and knowledgeable faculty members. Graduates of the Faculty will be among the best specialists in the country who will take the best job positions and will enjoy the highest per capita budget in the country comparable to the more accredited world-class universities during their studies. To fulfill the above vision, which is a positive image of all of us for the future, all the officials, professors, students and staff of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering have made a solemn pledge to focus on five perspectives of research, education, respect for teachers & students and budget management in the future.

bullet Mission

Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering of TMU is committed to expanding the knowledge boundaries by creating an appropriate research environment. The faculty pursues the mission of providing flexible, updated education, applied and emerging research to the technical community of the country, the state and the region and educate motivated, self-esteemed and confident students. It also tries to build strong relationship with the industry and government to conduct applied research and earn special revenues while maintaining the status of professors and students in society and obviating their financial concerns. Organizational Values of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Tarbiat Modares University and the realization of the missions of the faculty certainly depend on the establishment of managerial and organizational infrastructures and the application of dynamic processes at work place. The most important organizational infrastructure, the organization's culture and a set of fundamental principles and institutionalized values can guide and salvage at all stages of the work, especially during crises. Organizational principles and values play the role of a compass, and the performance of individuals at the faculty should not only be within the framework of these values, but also should help to strengthen and institutionalize such values.

The ten basic values for achieving the strategic objectives of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering are as follows:

  • Focusing on the specialization of the work and the effective education-research relationship at national and international levels
  • Following wise policies and plans at the Faculty (work at the university is a kind of worship)
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Foresight and long-term planning
  • Perfectionism and excellence in science
  • Organizational learning and publication of findings, knowledge and research achievements of faculty members
  • Responsibility and sensitivity towards society
  • Respect for the dignity of the faculty members (both materially and spiritually)
  • Organizational coherence and teamwork culture
  • Priority of quality over quantity


  • Computer System Architecture
  • Control
  • Electronics
  • Telecommunication
  • Bioelectronics
  • Computer Engineering

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