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bullet History

The Faculty of Natural Resources and Marine Science started its academic activities in Noor Campus in 1986.

bullet Advantages

  • It enjoys suitable educational and research facilities and equipment
  • It covers an appropriate area of about 735,000 (690,000 + 45,000) square meters
  • It is situated near the largest lake in the world (the Caspian Sea)
  • Research forest with an area of 1870 hectares near the college
  • It is located in the vicinity of unique natural resources including Hyrcanian forests, national and international wetlands and beautiful natural scenery and landscapes

bullet Mission

  • To train skilled human resources and specialists in the field of natural resources and marine sciences
  • To meet the needs and solve the problems of the executive and private sectors by conducting research in the aforementioned fields
  • To bring about innovation and prosperity and produce science in relevant fields in the world

bullet Deputy of Academic Affairs

The Faculty’s Deputy of Academic Affairs strives to achieve the highest educational standards and to conquer the boundaries of knowledge and to move towards the production of science. Enjoying prominent professors and appropriate facilities and standards for training, the faculty is trying to prepare the ground for appropriate education of science-seeking young people and prepare them to enter the realm of construction and play a major role in the national development of their great country.
The Department of Education of the Faculty of Natural Resources and Marine Sciences performs the following duties in line with the mission of TMU.

  • Supervising the implementation of educational regulations and bylaws in the faculty
  • Setting up and maintaining student and graduate records
  • Issuing temporary certificates and academic confirmations
  • Doing affairs related to admission and registration of students
  • Establishing and maintaining coordination between the departments of the faculty
  • Handling curriculum and weekly schedules and strict monitoring of the classes
  • Managing exam programs and monitoring their implementation

bullet Deputy of Research

Considering the research-oriented policies of Tarbiat Modares University and also due to the admission of graduate and postgraduate students therein, Faculty of Natural Resources and Marine Sciences of Noor Campus has set its endeavors in carrying out applied research in accordance with the comprehensive needs. Using the extant facilities, it strives to provide the groundwork for the training of young, creative and scholarly forces who can address the shortage of skilled human and personnel of the society. The faculty's research deputy handles laboratories, library, publishing, computer and audiovisual centers, which provide students with the necessary research services. All students’ proposals after being approval by the specialized council of their respective departments are evaluated and eventually communicated by the research council of the faculty. At least one member of the educational department participates in the afore-mentioned council.

bullet Message of the Dean

Faculty of Natural Resources and Marine Sciences located in Noor Campus, as an affiliation of Tarbiat Modares University, is an offspring of Islamic Revolution, which today has been fully flourished by the efforts of its students, professors and all those involved in it. It is now like a huge tree which stands over scientific communities of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In line with the scientific goals of the 20-year vision of the country, it is determined to fulfill its scientific mission and achieve a real scientific status based on the ideals of the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the guidelines of the Supreme Leader. It strives to provide the arena for enthusiasts of science and knowledge from all over the world, especially in the fields of natural resources and marine sciences.

  • Aquaculture
  • Environment
  • Fishing Products Processing
  • Forestry
  • Marine Biology
  • Marine Physics
  • Range Management
  • Watershed
  • Wood and Paper Sciences

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More Information: Field of Study (MSc, Ph.D.)

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