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Following the establishment of Tarbiat Modares University as the first graduate university in post Islamic Revolution Era, in 1982, the Faculty of Basic Sciences began its work with the launch of mathematics, geology, biology, chemistry and physics departments. This faculty, in cooperation with the competent and prominent professors of the country was able to provide the faculty staff of many universities and research centers of the country. By expansion of the faculty and admission of more students and consequently inauguration of more fields of study, the faculty was divided into four different faculties of mathematical sciences, biological sciences, top technology and basic sciences. The Faculty of Basic Sciences now includes the departments of geology, chemistry and physics.
The Department of Geology has 12 full-time faculty members in four branches of Petrology, Tectonics, Economic Geology and Engineering Geology. The chemistry unit with 16 full-time faculty members is active in four branches of organic, analytical, inorganic and physical chemistry. The Department of Physics also has 9 full-time faculty members, including three branches of atomic & molecular physics, condensed matter physics and particle physics.
The Faculty of Basic Sciences, headed by leading faculty members and participation of active students (MSc and Ph.D.), post doc colleagues and competent staff and experts, is able to produce state-of-the-art science, modern knowledge and technology in various fields of basic sciences. Faculty is engaged in the development of fundamental and applied research and the creation of a competitive scientific environment in relation to the scientific needs of the community and industry, and strives to improve and expand it globally by acquiring and preserving its scientific superiority in the country. As a scientific proof for the above-said claim, the publication of top quality articles in international academic journals and the acquisition of scientific degrees in reputable databases can be mentioned; each year, a number of scholars of this faculty are awarded by international scientific institutions.
The educational field is one of the most prominent areas of the university, which follows the most optimal plans and practical policies to gain the best results. This concerns can be realized with a little reflection in the various fields of this academic entity. The responsibilities of the educational office cover a long list of duties including: planning; admission of students; offering education; establishing coordination with other academic areas until the defense session and afterwards; supervising the performance of the educational departments and units; evaluating the performance of students and faculty members; examining the capacity of student admission and providing the necessary solutions; managing students' problems and solving them and checking and approving the teaching staff's contracts. Following the formation of the Teacher Training School, the educational office of the Faculty of Basic Sciences was established in 1983. In its early years after its foundation, this faculty admitted master and later on doctorate students in the fields of geology, mathematics, statistics, chemistry and plant sciences.
Following endless progresses; the authorities decided to recruit more and better faculty members, by doing so, they were able to provide better services to the students, and as a result it continued its academic activities in four areas of mathematics, statistics, geology, biology, chemistry and physics. In 2009, two divisions of mathematics and biology became an independent faculty. At present, the Faculty of Basic Sciences has 3 departments of geology, chemistry and physics with 11 MSc programs and 11 Ph.D. programs.
Some of the most important educational objectives of the faculty include: obtaining international scientific indexes, setting up new and interdisciplinary courses and disciplines, using the most competent and elite teaching figures of each discipline, improving the quality of graduate education by constantly updating curricula.
Given that research is the key to self-sufficiency and autonomy, if a society does not enjoy an acceptable scientific place in the contemporary world, independence will not be but a farfetched desire. In the present world, an independent society will be the one which does not receive or consume the research results of others, because world powers will only provide to the needy nations what is compatible with their own national interests at an enormous price. Tarbiat Modares University has been established with the aim of providing faculty members and specialists required for universities and research centers. The purpose of the university's research is to teach its students problem solving techniques and methods. Each professor has one or more research questions and proposes several hypotheses to solve it. The student examines the hypotheses with the available facilities. The problem that arises is within the bounds of knowledge, and so the solution to it is the production of science. If the issue is in line with the needs of the industrial or scientific centers of the country, it can lead to functional tasks and meet the needs of that center, and even produce industrial and technical ideas. Consequently, the researchers submit their work to expert judgment by sending research results for publication. TMU's vice president's research goal is to provide the materials, supplies and software needed for research so that researchers can serenely do their research work.
TMU's motto "research from the beginning" also indicates the importance of research here. Following the establishment of Tarbiat Modares University in 1982 as the first university of revolutionary origin, research activities began at the Faculty of Basic Sciences in the fields of biological sciences, mathematics and chemistry, physics and geology, and in the year 1988, the first graduates of this faculty entered education and research markets. In the years 2008 & 2009, the departments of the biological sciences and mathematical sciences were separated from the Faculty of Basic Sciences and began to work as independent faculties.
The research deputy is one of the three deputies at the faculty level. It serves as one of the main centers for increasing the university's research capacity and potential to promote the university's academic achievement and to help encourage higher education and bring about fundamental change in it. This division consists of a formal structure including Research Deputy, Research Affairs and Computer Center.
General tasks of the research deputy at the Faculty of Basic Sciences are as follows:

  • Careful study of the rules and regulations of the research and the interpretation, explanation and monitoring of their good implementation
  • Conducting the affairs of the Ph.D. committees and supervising their good performance in educational departments
  • Holding the college council meetings (research) every other week for the final examination and approving the student research project, determining the research policies and strategies of the faculty and other research projects
  • Preparing and removing students' proposals defects for approval at the faculty Council
  • Conducting the preparation stages of defense sessions for MSc and Ph.D. students
  • Issuing the decree of the supervisors, consultants and students, and announcing the submission date for quarterly reports and six-month seminars
  • Supervising the student projects till the final approval and controlling quarterly reports and six-month seminars
  • Conducting research accounting affairs, such as receipt and control of invoices, cost financing, and research funds
  • Performing affairs related to the student's clearance after holding the defense session
  • Dealing with the affairs of the members of the faculty and MSc and Ph.D. students in internal and external assemblies and workshops
  • Handling the affairs of Ph.D. Students applying for training courses abroad
  • Handling the issues related to the encouragement and payment of fees for articles published in reputable journals by students and faculty members
  • Introducing students to other educational centers - research and organizations for field operations, sampling and making use of scientific resources
  • Conducting research correspondence with heads of departments, guest professors, university assistants and other research centers outside the university
  • Handling student research funds
  • Entering the data of theses and dissertations in Golestan system
  • Participating in sessions and councils and preparing minutes as requested by superiors and doing follow up affairs
  • Setting up annual and quarterly reports of research activities conducted continuously to present to the vice-chancellor of research, student affairs, public relations, management, supervision and evaluation in the university and the ministry of science
  • Purchasing required books from the book fair and distributing book coupons
  • Purchasing domestic laboratory equipment and fulfilling other internal and external laboratory requirements
  • Holding research week ceremony and participating in the research achievements exhibition
  • Investigating the likely problems of research and discussing them in the Faculty Council and the Research Council of the University
  • Convening meetings of the Safety Committee of the Faculty
  • Convening meetings of the Safety Committee of the university
  • Supervising the proper handling, maintenance, transportation and use of pressure cylinders in laboratories
  • Holding HSE courses for students, faculty members and experts such as: first aid, firefighting, fire and safety of electronic systems, methods for collecting and disposing chemical laboratory wastes, proper handling and storage of pressure cylinders
  • Continuously checking first aid boxes and recharging fire extinguishers and inspecting laboratories based on safety checklist
  • Conducting correspondence related to safety and other miscellaneous matters

In the Holy Qur'an and other celestial scriptures, there is a special emphasis on science and thought. Throughout the history, scientists have offered various definitions of science, for instance, Aristotle, sees science as a set of credible knowledge that can be reasonably and logically explained. Science precedes action and it can lead to straight path. Wrong doing will mislead and can moves away a person from the right path. On the other hand, a scientist who does not act in accordance with his knowledge resembles a wandering ignorant person. How beautiful is the likening of the science to "light" in the words of Imam Ali (peace be upon him), which says light is intrinsically bright and illuminating for itself and others. Part of science includes natural sciences such as physics, chemistry, geology, biology, etc. which are based on empirical methods and their results are verifiable in the outside world. (A kind of rational argument for describing, interpreting, explaining and recognizing the phenomena and realities in the universe of creation, along with observation and analysis). Fundamental Science is a collection of sciences that examines fundamental phenomena or examines the nature, rules, and relationships governing them. Basic science is the underlying foundation of other sciences, and therefore it can be called true science. Mathematics, biology, geology, chemistry and physics are basic sciences.
But our mission is:

  • To produce innovative science and products through individual and group efforts in line with the needs of the country in particular and the whole world in general
  • To educate capable, committed, creative and inspiring teachers and researchers for future generations
  • To create a thoughtful spirit and develop a deeper understanding of the universal phenomena in order to achieve scientific authority
  • To create entrepreneurial spirit and transfer of scientific abilities and to develop the industry needed by the country

With the help of God, this faculty expects to successfully train creative and knowledgeable graduate students to become qualified and responsible people to participate in the development of basic and applied research as well as promoting university-industry communication by relying on the ability of the elite students to absorb the new educational and research methods and the efforts of experts and staff.

  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Atomic, Molecular Physics
  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Economic Geology
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Particles and Quantum Field Theory
  • Petrology
  • Physical Chemistry
  • Tectonic Geology

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