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bullet Introduction

Faculty of mathematical sciences consisting of the departments of applied mathematics, computer sciences, pure mathematics, and statistics. The faculty was founded in 1985. The academic staff of the faculty consists of 6 professors, 6 associate professors and 13 assistant professors. The faculty has had 850 MSc and 145 PhD.
In 2009, the Statistics and Mathematics Departments of the Basic Sciences Faculty (which was founded in 1984) were officially promoted to the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences. The faculty is one of the best mathematical faculties in Iran. It has an excellent research and educational reputation, a strong demanding program of graduate studies in Mathematical sciences. Students and faculty members are encouraged to interact through a variety of the most advanced courses and seminars.
The faculty has for departments: applied mathematics (numerical analysis, cryptography, financial math, optimization, operational research, biomathematics, math modeling), computer sciences (scientific computation), pure mathematics (Differential Geometry, Algebraic Topology and Algebraic Geometry, Functional and Harmonic Analysis, Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory, Number Theory, Group Theory, Ring Theory, Model Theory and Set Theory, Algebraic Geometry, Low Dimension Topology). To make use of all its capacities and facilities and in order to meet the needs of the society, the faculty founded the department of computer sciences in 2009 and presently admits master students. The faculty members have successfully won awards from national and international academic institute and are active in the executive council (of IMS, SMS,) and act as editors and referees of BIMS, and some other international journals. The faculty tries to diversify its educational and research activities (admission of students through exams, holding short, medium and long term training periods, alone or jointly, conducting applied joint research or educational projects and admitting post- doctoral fellows and offering research opportunities). The majority of the facultys alumni have mostly been employed in the best Iranian universities and abroad. In recent years, more than 30 MSc and PhD alumni of thefaculty have received scholarship grants from top European and North American Universities.

bullet Education Office of the Faculty

The office began its activity immediately after the establishment of the faculty in 2009. Some of its educational services include:

  • Enrolling students
  • Planning schedules for each academic term
  • Adding / dropping courses
  • Reporting the students performance
  • Collaborating in administering mid-term and final exams, entrance exams, comprehensive exams
  • Collaborating with research office ..


The faculty management intently strives to expand its research and educational activities by establishing new branches in mathematical sciences. It is hoped that the faculty accomplishes its mission in a near future. The educational programs of the faculty includes different courses in diverse branches of mathematics (both applied and pure), statistics and computer sciences at graduate and post graduate levels. Some of the educational regulations are listed below:

  • Master programs must be completed in two years (one term extension can be granted) and PhD program must be completed (min 3.5 to max 4.5 years). Under special
  • ircumstances, the period can be extended another term as proposed by the supervisor / advisor
  • Master students have to take 32 credits, 12 compulsory credits, 12 optional credits, 2 credits (seminar) and 6 credits for dissertation.
  • PhD students have to pass 16 credit courses and 20 credit for their thesis
  • MSc students have to take seminar in their second academic term and provide a proposal for their dissertation in that term.
  • PhD students must take comprehensive exam after passing their credit courses and must get their proposal approved immediately afterwards.
  • Pass mark for master courses is 12 and the GPA at each term should be at least14.
  • Pass mark for PhD courses is 14 and the GPA of all courses should be at least 16.
  • For more information, please visit TMU vice-chancellor for academic affairs homepage


bullet Research Office of the Faculty

Concerning the fact that TMU is a graduate university and considering the role of research in the advancement of technology and science of the country, TMU places a high priority on conducting top-quality researches. In the same line, TMUs vice chancellor for academic research and relevant faculties research deputy offices try to develop policies and mechanisms for encouraging faculty members and students to carry out theoretical and applied research projects. The output of this team work has been the presentation of numerous theses / dissertations, publication of books and papers in distinguished domestic or foreign journals, patent, taking part in and winning numerous awards from seminars, conferences, signing contracts with numerous external companies in an attempt to meet national requirements. Since mathematical science enjoys a unique position and serves as a theoretical support for applied sciences (like engineering, medicine), the research deputy of the faculty has undertaken a systematic program to guide and support deep theoretical and applied research. This deputy office publishes the results of its performance in annual reports.

The latest research proceedings for MSc and PhD students can be downloaded from here.

In addition to planning research policies and controlling the good performance of research by-laws, the most important responsibilities of the research deputy can be listed as:

  1. Attending to and dealing with the research plans of faculty members
  2. Participation of faculty members / students in internal or external seminars
  3. Participation of faculty members / students in internal or external training workshops
  4. Participation of Ph.D. candidates in short-term training courses held outside Iran
  5. Paying the bonus fees for the publication of papers presented by faculty members and students in domestic and foreign research journals
  6. Evaluating the PhD thesis
  7. Approving theses / dissertation research proposals in the educational- research council of the faculty
  8. Issuing approval certificates for students
  9. Dealing with office works of theses / dissertations issues (three-month progress reports.)
  10. Holding Ph.D. candidates 6-month seminars
  11. Holding Pre-defense sessions of Ph.D. candidates
  12. Holding defense sessions (obtaining permits, examiners letters, invitation letters, payment to examiners, preparing the relevant forms, payment of other costs)
  13. Clearance procedures of MSc and PhD alumni after graduation
  14. Budget allocation for approved theses / dissertations (funding the costs and consumer and non-consumer goods.)
  15. Projecting annual research budget
  16. Holding exhibitions on different occasions
  17. Holding the Research Week Ceremony to honor the top researchers of the faculty
  18. Publishing Research By-laws and Procedures Guidebook
  19. Faculty laboratories
  20. Issuing introduction letters for applicants (students and faculty members)
  21. Preparing research reports (3-month/ 6-month and annual progress reports)
  22. Publishing theses abstracts guidebook
  23. Affairs related to the Health, Safety & Environment Council
  24. Taking part in Facultys Educational Research Council, Universitys Research Council, Safety Council and preparing minutes related to the faculty and follow-up works
  25. Controlling all the consumer and non-consumer goods purchases by students and faculty members funded by the faculty for approved theses / dissertations
  26. Entering theses approvals and defense data into the Automation System
  27. Establishing contact with other departments, state or private centers
  28. eeping up the correspondence with other departments / units, universities and research centers


bullet Message from the Dean

With a two-decade academic activity, this faculty makes use of the service of its own academic staff and guest professors from best universities of iran. Our dedicated faculty and staff strive to inspire and develop a new generation of enlightened scientists who can teach and do research at top universities of Iran after graduation. 
We are proud of the many accomplishments of our graduate students as well as the success of our alumni, most of whom now have been employed at top universities of Iran or have been granted scholarships from top foreign universities. The Faculty of Mathematical Sciences warmly welcomes all top students and is ready to collaborate with other scientific centers and recruit specialists in all areas of mathematics.

  • Applied Statistics
  • Computer Sciences and Theory of Computing
  • Pure Mathematics
  • Applied Mathematics

More Information:

More Information: Field of Study (MSc, Ph.D.)

Online Application: Apply now

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