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TMU Goals

Tarbiat Modares University, which was founded after the glorious Islamic Revolution in Iran, as a leading University in respect of education, research, production and promotion of advantageous knowledge, extending the boundaries of knowledge and technology, and it is determined, as a scientific, Islamic identity and revolutionary leader, to achieve the following goals on the basis of the objectives set out in the University’s Statutes and its strategic plan:

  • To train pious and committed-to-the-Islamic-Revolution faculty members and researches for the scientific fields required by Iranian universities and higher educational and research centers, and for the purpose of promotion of scientific and educational and research quality and also helping with development of higher education and effect fundamental changes therein.
  • To participate in development and support of science production and movement and software movement and increase in our share in scientific products and development of humanities, upon emphasis on Islamic fundamentals and national needs and modern technologies and bring the scientific and research achievements into practical use through dynamic and constructive interaction with scientific regional and international centers.
  • To undertake efforts for the achievement of Islamic culture by strengthening and deepening religion insight and expanding ethical virtues and enhancement of social participations and dissemination of self devotion and hope for the future on the basis of Quranic doctrine, Ahl-ul-bayt’s teachings and values and goals of the Islamic Revolution.
  • To create a dynamic and creative learning environment and educate instructors, researchers and entrepreneurs who are committed and loyal to the Islamic Revolution.
  • To achieve, maintain and develop the research standing and increase in our share in academic and scientific productions at national, regional and international level.
  • To boost and expand fields of humanities and establish liaison with cultural, social and policymaking centers; initiate software movement, develop modern technologies (including microtechnology, biotechnology, information and communication, environmental, aerospace and nuclear technologies), and bring into practical use and commercialize the scientific and research achievements
  • To enjoy manpower who are talented, mature and creative, pious, faithful to guardianship of the Islamic Jurist and the regime of Islamic Republic of Iran
  • To develop and promote the quality of provision of services to students
  • To sustainably improve the executive and scientific management of the university
  • To provide up-to-date hardware and software facilities and equipment
  • To promote collaboration with scientific & cultural centers at national, regional and international levels
  • To provide sustainable financial resources
  • To foster Islamic culture and sciences, strengthen religious virtues and faith and disseminate self-devotion morale and hope for the future on the basis of Quranic doctrine, Ahl-ul-bayt’s instructions and the Islamic Revolution’s values.
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