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The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Tarbiat Modares University started its activities with the goal of educating faculty members and well-informed and knowledgeable specialists in civil engineering in 1982. Providing scientific and research services in the postgraduate programs with the aim of producing science and meeting the needs of the country has been and still is one of the major undertakings of this faculty. This faculty has played a vital role in strengthening the spirit of self-confidence and cutting off scientific dependence and creating the grounds for scientific independence. One of the achievements of this faculty concerns the creation of 9 specialized departments in different fields of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Water Research Center, Research Center for Pavement, Computer Center, Library, 6 laboratories, publication of Scientific Journal, dozens of compiled and translated books and hundreds of international scientific articles. . Conducting a conference in this faculty such as the International Conference on Civil Engineering, is among other activities of this faculty.

bullet Outlook

The Faculty tries to conduct research on new technologies at the national and regional level with the aim of transforming and improving the country's position in new technologies at the global level. This faculty which is known as the most prominent center for interdisciplinary research and education strives to address the real problems of industry and technology; by means of its scholarly professors who are aware of the issues of industrial development. It also strives to educate the best national alumni in this field of study. 
In order to realize the above objectives, all the officials, professors, students and staff of the faculty have pledged to focus their attention on five dimensions, namely performing top quality research and education, respecting professors and students and wisely management of the allocated funds in future.

bullet Mission

Tarbiat Modares University is committed to expanding the knowledge boundaries through the creation of an appropriate research environment. It is concerned with the provision of flexible training with up-to-date pragmatic and research-based curricula to the technical community of Iran, its government and the region by educating motivated, self-confident and determined students.

bullet The Message of the Dean

The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Tarbiat Modares University started its activities in 1983 with the aim of educating faculty members and well-known experts in civil engineering and is now one of the most up-to-date and most capable faculties of civil engineering in the whole country. The provision of scientific and research services in the postgraduate level has been and is one of the major objectives of the faculty. It aims to produce science and meet the needs of the country.

bullet Deputy of Research

Regarding the importance and necessity of research, one of the most important missions of each academic unit is undoubtedly to focus on applied and scientific research. Considering the fact that Tarbiat Modares University is a postgraduate center, it places a high priority on conducting top quality researches. One of the targeted and influential areas for providing a suitable platform for research and science production is the Deputy of Research. To fulfill this mission, the research deputy tries to adapt and carry out research policies / strategies in order to make the distinguished members of the faculty and students more diligent to carry out competitive research on the international scene in accordance with national needs. With regard to this issue and in cooperation with all faculty members and students, the deputy of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering has made a planned effort to guide and support researchers and create a suitable platform for scientific and research activities. The result of this collective effort is the compilation of theses and treatises, the compilation and translation of books, participation in the drafting of national regulations and bylaws, the publication of hundreds of articles in foreign and domestic accredited journals, patents registration, and award winning in festivals and the conclusion of research contracts with outdoors centers. 
The deputy of research is in charge of student thesis and dissertations, financial support, affairs related to participation in internal and external conferences of faculty members and students, applied research projects, affairs related to the office of communication with industry, library and computer center.

  • Earthquake Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Hydraulic Structures
  • Hydro Engineering
  • Marine Structures
  • Roads and Transportation
  • Soil and Foundation
  • Structural Engineering
  • Transportation Planning

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