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Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Center

Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Center (PSRC), a part of the DRT, is the medical research agency making important discoveries that improve health and save lives.



Dr. Ahmadreza Bekhradnia, Ph.D., is the director of the research center



Partner Organizations


The list of organizations we work within research affairs


    Sari School of Pharmacy and Educational groups

    Research centers

    Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences’ colleges

    Deputy of Research and Technology and Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences

    Some universities and scientific institutions of the country



Members Directory


Hamed Fathi

Elnaz Khoshvishkaie


Members of the Council




Members of the center




Center at a glance



    Ph.D. by research students’ admission.

    Moving toward advances in pharmaceutical sciences.

    Approval of dissertation and related plans of medical sciences and related branches.

    Invention Registration and patents.

    The proper use of medicinal plant natural products and the implementation of projects in this area.

    Production of medicinal plants.

    Trying to produce medicines and pharmaceutical products.

    Inter-university and international cooperation in legal line with the customary laws of the country.

    Empowerment of staff, students and members of the Center.

    Holding meetings, workshops, seminars.



Strategic Program


    It seems necessary to do the following based on the three axes:

        Laboratory facilities

        Research projects and attracting and employing human resources (Administrators, scholars, and Ph.D. by research students), in order to expand research and realize the scientific objectives of the Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Center.

    Providing an appropriate condition for encouraging researchers to collaborate with the Research Center in the field of Modern advanced Drug.


Operation Program

    Persuading members to do projects that are carried out with the participation of other organizations (such as the Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Network)


 Ongoing Activities


    Theses Approval and holding defense sessions for Ph.D. Students’ Proposals.

    providing facilities for Ph.D. students after recruiting faculty members.

    Review and evaluation of published articles in the pharmaceutical science research center in the last year.

    Defense and graduation of the Ph.D. students and doing related affair before and after it.

    Handling the administrative, executive, educational, support, service, and repair.

    Doing some of the Center's work through the relevant systems of the University and reviewing and updating the Center’s sites.

    Planning and conducting preparations for holding workshops, meetings, seminars, and festivals in Tabari.


Research Ethics


    For doing the research projects, we always make an effort to respect research Ethics. Therefore,  the ethics form is completed first and then reviewed.



Contact us

Please note


We do not provide medical advice or referrals to practitioners. Decisions about medical care and treatment should be made in consultation with a health care provider, based on the condition and needs of each person


The phones are monitored Saturday through Wednesday from 09:00 a.m.– 14:00 p.m.


Telephone : +98 1133543238

Fax : +98 1133543238



Address: Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Center, Sari Pharmaceutical Faculty, Azam Prophet's University, Complex, 18th km Farah Abad Road, Sari, Mazandaran, IRAN








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