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MAZUMS Visa Forms and Guidelines

During your stay in Iran as a MAZUMS International Student, you may want to plan trips for which you will need different types of visas. Below, you can find detailed instruction on how to acquire the type of visa suitable for your particular situation.

When living and studying outside your home country, one of the most important issues to observe is the matter of your residency permit, which includes entry visas, re-entry permits, exit permits, etc. It is of the utmost important that you carefully read the regulations in place regarding these matters and make sure there are no ambiguities.


Carefully following the relevant guidelines and observing the rules regarding timings, prices, document submissions, etc. will help you have a smooth and pleasant stay in Iran and avoid any visa-related complications.


The Office of Visa and Consular Affairs at Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences strives to assist all students regarding visa-related administrative affairs to facilitate your residence and mobility. Please kindly refer to the pages below regarding guidelines on any needs and/or requests considering visa permits:

    Guideline on Acquiring a One-Year Residency Permit for MAZUMS Students

    Guideline on Acquiring Visa for a Student’s Spouse or Children

    Guideline on Extending a One-Year Residency Permit for MAZUMS International Students

    Guideline on Acquiring Exit and Re-Entry Permission

    Guideline on Acquiring Permanent Exit Permission


To process your visa-related needs and requests, you will need one or more of the following forms, readily available for your convenience:

    MAZUMS Application Form for Exit Permit

    MAZUMS Application Form for Residence Permit Renewal

    MAZUMS Application Form for Residence Permit

    MAZUMS Application form for Visa Extension


Please bear in mind that hours for document submission are Saturdays to Wednesdays, 9 to 13:30.






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