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The following rules apply to all examinations administered by Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences (MAZUMS) :

  1. Candidates must take a valid Student ID Card to the examination room or center.
  2. No talking is allowed. As soon as the exam papers are distributed, all talking must stop; talking during the exam will be considered as cheating.

The acts which are not permitted in the exams : 

  1. Copying or attempting to copy from others during an examination
  2. Communicating answers with another person during an examination
  3. Preprogramming a calculator or any other smart device to reveal answers or other unauthorized information for use during an exam, until permitted by the examiner.
  4. Using unauthorized materials, prepared answers, written notes, or concealed information during an examination
  5. Sitting an exam for another student or having someone take an exam for you
  6. Candidates must arrive at the examination center at least fifteen minutes before the commencement of an anticipated examination.
  7. Students are NOT allowed to leave the examination room or center during the exam and during collection of the answer sheets; all examinees must remain seated throughout this period so that the examiners can properly account for all answer sheets collected.
  8. Unauthorized materials, such as books, papers, documents, pictures and electronic devices with communication and/or storage capabilities, such as cell phones, tablets, laptops, smart watches, portable audio/video gaming devices etc, are prohibited in the examination room or hall.
  9. Examinees must bring pens, pencils, erasers, and other writing apparatuses required for an exam. Students are NOT allowed to take or ask for these materials while an examination is in progress.
  10. Students may not leave the examination hall for any reason, and this includes toilet breaks, drinking water, etc. otherwise, the candidate will be barred from resuming the exam. This will also be regarded as the termination of the exam by the student.
  11. Note: Please note that in exceptional cases, students may ask one of the examiners to help him/her resolve an emergency problem. The final decision is with the head of the examiners who is a faculty member.
  12. All examinees should pay attention to the examiners’ announcements.
  13. When completion of the examination is announced, all candidates must cease writing immediately, assemble their answer sheets (used or not), and any special data provided. Students must hand in all the materials to the examiner, who collects them from the seated examinees.
  14. You have to stay in the examination room until the supervisor gives you permission to leave. Do NOT talk until you are outside of the examination hall.
  15. Silence must be observed in the examination room. The only permissible way of attracting the attention of the monitor is by the candidate raising his/her hand for recognition.
  16. Candidates should read the Examination Timetable carefully to ensure that they have been correctly registered for their examinations; they must know the time, date and location of the examinations they are required to take.
  17. Misreading the Examination Timetable will not be accepted as a satisfactory excuse for absence from an examination.




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