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 Department of Psychiatry

The Department of Psychiatry is located within the University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences (USWR) was founded in 1993. The main site of this department is the Razi Psychiatric Hospital. This hospital is the largest psychiatric hospital in the Middle East and its inhabitants are 1100 people. The members of the group are engaged in educational, research and therapeutic activities in the hospital and center’s university.

In the hospital wards, Psychiatrist is the head of the psychiatric treatment team which includes psychiatric nurse, psychiatric social worker, Occupational therapist, and clinical psychologist. Each of these members is supervised by the psychiatrist.

What is Psychiatry?

Psychiatry is the fastest growing branch of medicine that deals with diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and research in mental disorders. Psychiatry is a scientific major that takes into account all biological, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects of human beings. However, psychiatry can help people who do not regard themselves as mentally ill or mentally disturbed, as well to develop their personalities and lead a happier and more perfect and satisfying lives. Psychiatrists are capable of performing all modalities of treatment, including psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy, ECT, and so on.


We have the following objectives in the department:

1.     Educating and training our postgraduate trainees as psychiatrists who are able to act as:

a.     An effective member of a medical team for diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of mental disorders.

b.     A skilled manager of other members of mental health profession.

c.     A skilled planer for mental health plans in the community.

d.     An able researcher in applied research in psychiatry.

e.     A knowledgeable person about the culture, traditions, and literature of Iran.

f.      An obedient person to ethical and professional rules of medicine.

2.     Planning and performing necessary epidemiological researches in the national level about the mental problems.

3.     Advocacy of the rights of people with mental problems.

4.     Participation in collaborative attempts to decrease social pathologies such as crimes, suicide, addiction, aggression in the community, child abuse, and elderly abuse.


In all wards and centers which the department carries out educational, research and therapeutic activities, we train the residents of psychiatry with besides clinical teaching.


Research is the foundation for teaching and clinical practice in the Psychiatry Department. Our academics and students are engaged in research activities in collaboration with the research centers at USWR.

Services We Offer

As a psychiatry student you will also develop skills in learning, problem solving and decision making which are necessary parts of working as a psychiatrist.

Our nationally and internationally recognized faculty members provide you with the highest quality of work experience in different associated centers. These centers include:

Razi Psychiatric Educational and Treatment Hospital

Rofeideh Rehabilitation Hospital

Nezammafi Rehabilitation Center


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USWR in THE World University Rankings 2022

USWR in The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2022 

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2022 has introduced University of Social Welfare & Rehabilitation among the top institutions worldwide.

The ranking includes more than 1,600 universities across 99 countries and territories, making them the largest and most diverse university rankings to date.The table is based on 13 carefully calibrated performance indicators that measure an institution’s performance across four areas: teaching, research, knowledge transfer, and international outlook.


Iranian longitudinal Study on Aging (IRLSA) database launched

The national project "Iranian longitudinal Study on Aging" IRLSA was officially launched in January 2020 by Research Center on Aging of the University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences in collaboration with the Welfare Department of Yazd Province, Yazd University of Medical Sciences and Ardakan County Research Center.

    In this national project, information is collected on 5,000 samples of middle-aged people aged 50 to older (even 90 years old) who have participated in the project, and during 15 years, based on about one thousand variables, Physical, psychological, social, spiritual and environmental changes of these people are monitored to determine the problems of population.


The results and information obtained from the implementation of the first phase of the project are a guide for the country's National Aging Document and can help organizations involved in aging to plan to address the problems of the elderly.

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